초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In the late Japanese colonial period, Jung Ji-young opened up the field of poetry criticism as a managing editor of poetry part in 「MunJang」. From this time, he emphasized Theory of Oriental Painting as well as the method of a Confucian classic. These styles were reflected into 「BakRokDam」, which is a masterpiece of landscape poetry. For example, in 「JangSuSanㆍ1」, 「JangSuSanㆍ2」, 'white light' was coincided with the flow of Tao. 'Stone' and 'water' corresponded to strong will and the pedigree of national characteristic. Topic was also related to these styles. In addition, it was an example of the roundabout writing because it was against the Japanese colonial authority. To understand this poem, the subject concept of modern times get through while considering three dimensional space viewing of the Oriental paiting and verbal thinking of the East Asia. In this area of Landscape Poetry, Gi-centered theory was founded, since Jung Inbo, Kangwha school, might be effected on the works of Jung Jiyoung. Further detailed research will discuss about the relationships with Jung Inbo.