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The purpose of this paper is to examine the meaning of the Jessie's suicide in Marsha Norman's 'night, Mother. "I'm going to kill myself." This simple yet stunning statement is still the point of attack for Marsha Norman's Pulitzer Prize-winning play 'night, Mother. Therefore it is worth exploring Jessie's suicide on the level much deeper than merely titillating. In Chapter 2, the theme of this play is explored by the emphasized ordinary details such as food, drinks, cigarettes, and gun; in Chapter 3, the explanation of Jessie's self-determination of suicide is given based on the feminist view point. In conclusion, Jessie's suicide should be regarded as a heroic act, perhaps the only truly independent act of her life.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

feminism, suicide, Marsha Norman, self, ordinary details