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This paper deals with quantitative nouns such as hundred, thousand, million in connection with their countability. The traditional view is that they behave differently from other nouns when they are premodified by another numeral. It has been argued that quantitative nouns take a zero plural, instead of the regular plural marker, '-(e)s'. For example, hundred in two hundred does not have '-s' whereas books in two books is required to take '-s'. Unlike books, sheep does not change its form either in one sheep or two sheep. The term zero plural is reserved for sheep in two sheep. However, it has been traditionally maintained that hundred in two hundred falls in the category of zero plural. Namely, hundred in two hundred has been exceptionally treated to get a zero plural. If it is true, then a big question naturally arises as to whether sheep in two sheep and hundred in two hundred should be treated exactly in the same way. Regarding the question, this research will offer a different perspective: two hundred and two-hundred's, which is a regular type of plurality, are both possible, but they have to be distinguished. This paper will discuss quantitative nouns in connection with their countability.