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The Journal of Modern British & American Language & Literature. 30.2 (2012): 1-25. The present study investigates Korean university professors' perceptions of English-medium instruction(EMI), attempting to provide practical recommendations for future EMI implementation. An on-line questionnaire was administered to 82 professors in diverse disciplines at a private university in Korea, regardless of whether they have offered EMI or not prior to participating in the study. The data was analyzed quantitatively using a t-test and ANOVA. The survey results indicate that most of the professors were well aware of the importance and necessity of EMI in light of the global competitiveness of the university and its students, and that most felt they were ready to offer English-medium classes. The professors were also shown to have a high level of efficacy in their use of English, and they thought positively of future linguistic support from the university. The professors were however concerned that EMI may not be as effective as Korean lectures and that it will serve to lower the overall quality of university education given the difficulties students might experience due to their inadequate level of English proficiency. In facilitating the introduction and the promotion of EMI at the institutional level, we suggest that systematic support measures both for professors and students should be in place; i.e., workshops can be organized for professors to introduce an EMI-specific teaching methodology, and students can be assisted by offering preparation courses to undertake EMI and language support.