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This article aims to examine the musical structure of Muak and its application principle in gut based on the research and materials on shamanism music reported so far. First of all, the musical structure of Muak from different regions were categorized to find the regional differences and examined to find the relevance in comparison with folk music. Next, musical formula and the phenomenon of acculturation were examined. Finally, musical composition principle of Gutguri was examined. As a result of categorizing the musical structure of Muak Rhythmic Structure, a strong relevance with the musical formula of folk music of the researched area was confirmed. Muak also shares the musical formula that is contained in the folk music of the researched region. The attempts to pursue musical diversification through musical formula and its spreading process were also confirmed. In most of gut, repetitious application of the musical formula or its various transformation have been found to exist. Especially, its characteristic to change the rhythmic structure in accordance with the speed is very unique, not found in other genres of music. Also, through the geographical and genre acculturation, new musical culture was accepted and musical expansion was attempted. Lastly, in order to find the ritual function of muak in gut and the composition principle of Gutguri, muak was categorized into five types:the beginning type which applies from the beginning of gut; the basic type 1 and 2 which show the musical composition of basic Gutguri; the expansion type which is used for the musical diversification; the insertion type through acculturation; and finally the ending type which is used for ending gut. In the beginning type, the basic type 2, and ending type, irregular rhythmic structure was commonly used. Probably, this was a musical measure to enable the performance of long shaman’s song. Other Gutguri is performed with the basic type 1, however, in some Gutguri, the expansion type or the insertion type are used to create the expanded version. The basic type 1 is considered to be the representative rhythm in each region, namely, the 3/4 type of Jeju Island, Mansebaji of Hwanghaedo gut, Taryung of Seoul gut, Dosalpuli of Kyunggido Danggut, Salpuli of Chungcheong and Jeonbuk province, Dongsalpuli of Jeonnam province, Bullim of the South cost, and Cheongbo of the East cost.