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1886년 한불조약의 체결로 프랑스 선교사들은 치외법권을 누리며 자유롭게 전교할 수 있게 되고, 또한 조선 천주교를 대표하는 뮈텔(Mutel) 주교가 1895~1903년까지 왕실의 정치적 조언자로 활동하여, 천주교회의 위상이 매우 높아졌다. 그 결과 이전에 지역사회와 격리되었던 전북지역 천주교회가 한불조약 이후 지역사회와 서로 마주보며 지내게 되어, 상호 분쟁이 빈발해 교안이 자주 발생했다. 전북지역에서 발생한 교안은 51건으로, 전기(1886~1894)와 후기(1904~1910)보다 중기(1895~1903)에 빈발했다. 교안의 원인은 전체적으로 보면, 천주교에 대한 반감이 경제적인 문제보다 많은 비중을 차지해, 전국 단위의 분석 결과와 차이가 난다. 그러나 시기별로 나눠 보면, 전기와 후기에는 천주교에 대한 반감이, 중기에는 경제적인 문제가 많은 비중을 차지해, 전국 단위의 분석 결과와 같다. 교안의 전개 양상도 전국 단위의 분석 결과와 같이 전기와 후기에는 천주교회가 지역사회에 압도당했고, 중기에는 천주교회의 위상이 높아진 결과 지역사회가 천주교회에 의해 압도당했다

After the Korea-France Treaty of 1886, French missionaries were free to do the work of evangelization in Korea under the protection of extraterritoriality and further the Catholic Church gained more stature in the country while Bishop Mutel who represented Korean Catholics served as political advisor to the Royal Family of Joseon. However, the Catholic Church in the Jeonbuk area which had remained isolated from the community before the Korea-France Treaty came into frequent conflict with local people, which spread anti-Catholic sentiment in the community. In the Jeonbuk area, as many as 51 different anti-Chritian Incidents Kyoan, 敎案) occurred between 1886 and 1910 and they were more frequent in the middle period (1895-1903) than in the early (1886-1894) and late (1904-1910) periods. Overall, a larger number of anti-Chritian Incidents are found to have resulted from hostility towards Catholicism rather than economic issues. This result seems different from what has been found in nationwide analyses. Technically, however, there is a consistency between the results of analyses at community and nationwide levels in that the major cause of anti-Chritian Incidents was hostility towards Catholicism in early and late periods and economic issues in the middle period. Like the findings of nationwide analyses, the community-based analysis of the developments of anti-Chritian Incidents reveals that during the early and late periods the Catholic Church was overpowered by the community, whereas the middle period witnessed the increased presence of the Catholic Church overpowering the community.