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본 논문은 박세채의 『소학』 주석서인 『독서기』 를 통해, 박세채의 『소학』에 대한 문제의식을 검토한 것이다. 박세채는 당시 유행하는 ‘자득(自得)’의 학풍이 정주학을 위협한다는 위기의식 속에 ‘거경(居敬)’의 회복이 필요함을 역설했으며, 그 회복의 방안으로 『소학』에 언급된 예(禮)들의 구체적 실천을 독자들에게 실천한 것을 강조하였다. 이러한 문제의식 아래 집필된 그의 『독서기』는 박세채 이전 단계의 연구 성과인 율곡 이이(栗谷 李珥)의 『소학집주(小學集註)』와 달리 조선 학자들의 『소학』에 대한 연구 성과를 반영함은 물론, 각종 문물도수 관련 정보, 예에 대한 고증 결과, 해석 오류 수정의 내용을 포함하였다. 이것은 『소학』의 각종 예들에 대한 이학적(理學的) 해석을 제시하거나 그 이면에 깔린 ‘경(敬)’을 ‘도(道)’로서 체화해야 함을 강조하기 위함이기도 했지만, 상례(常禮)와 변례(變禮)가 충돌할 경우 판단 준거로 기능해야 할 의(義)의 문제를 확립할 때 그에 필요한 정보를 제공하기 위한 목적도 있는 것이었다. 결국 박세채의 『독서기』는 『소학』이 ‘성학의 이치가 깃든 예[론]서’임을 밝히고, 변례의 허용 수위를 결정할 수 있는 ‘의’에 대한 고민을 아우름으로써 『소학』의 예가 현실에 합리적으로 구현되도록 하기 위한 노력의 산물이라 할 수 있겠다.

Examined in this article is a book called Dokseo-gi(讀書記), authored by a renowned Joseon scholar named Park Se-che(朴世采), as an “annotation” to the text Sohak(小學). The reason for this examination is to explore his understanding and feelings of the contents of Sohak. Very concerned about the so-called ‘Jadeuk(‘自得, self learning’)’ trend of the time, and fearing that such trend would eventually breach the integrity of pure Neo-Confucian studies, Park Se-che argued that people should try to respect others and also respect oneself (“居敬, place one’s body in calm and prudent demeanor”), and suggested that the protocols[“禮”] presented in Sohak were the most effective way to do just that. His Dokseo-gi, unlike the previous publication authored by Yi Ih(李珥) called Sohak Jibju(小學集註), was equipped with Park’s own consultation of a variety of Joseon Sohak studies that had come before him. It also included a wide range of information, as well as his own verifications and validation of past scholars’ dictation or definitions of certain protocols, and not to mention corrections of seemingly evident errors that had been presented in past texts. All these details were to provide the readers with academic interpretation of several clauses inside Sohak, to ensure them that they should all digest these ‘self-respect(敬)’ notions and wholeheartedly embrace them as the very way of life(‘道’), and also suggest possible ways of applying past dictations to contemporary situations, especially when ordinary protocols[‘常禮’] would seem so inapplicable, and alternative protocols to be used in extraordinary circumstances[‘變禮’] are apparently demanded, with the readers properly informed and reminded of what would ultimately be the right thing to do[‘義’]. We can see that Park Se-che’s Dokseo-gi was authored essentially to remind all scholars that Sohak was a text that contained the ancient sages’ teachings and the protocols that they approved, and that it was a result of Park’s own efforts to have the protocols in Sohak be sufficiently applied to real life events.