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The Quran is the greatest wonder among the wonders of the world by Muslims. Muslims often argue for the divine nature of the Quran by saying that the style, diction, rhetoric, thought of Quran and the Law for the humanity are such that it cannot be man-made. Muslims believe the Quran is an exact and faithful reproduction of the original in heaven. The angel Gabriel took more than 23 years to bring the Quran to Muhammad, Therefore, the Quran is viewed not as the word of Muhammad but as the very word of Allah. Muslims claim that the Quran was transmitted orally by the prophet's disciples and committing it to memory was to participate in guarding the text from loss or corruption. Also they believe that the Quran(composed of 114 suras) is the only divinely revealed Scripture in the history of humankind which has been preserved to the present time in its exact original form for 1400 years. Muslims claim that the original Bible was the Word of Allah, but that it became corrupted by Jews and Christians. The Bible of today has been mingled with many untruths. However this writer tried to prove Muslims' point of view is not true. The main purpose of this article was to critically evaluate the Quran. Specifically five areas related to the Quran were carefully evaluated: the divine nature of the Quran, the doctrine of abrogation, the changed lives of Muslims, circular reasoning, and the Hadith. At the conclusion he suggested some guidelines regarding witnessing to Muslims.

The Quran is the greatest wonder among the wonders of the world by Muslims. Muslims often argue for the divine nature of the Quran by saying that the style, diction, rhetoric, thought of Quran and the Law for the humanity are such that it cannot be man-made. Muslims believe the Quran is an exact and faithful reproduction of the original in heaven. The angel Gabriel took more than 23 years to bring the Quran to Muhammad, Therefore, the Quran is viewed not as the word of Muhammad but as the very word of Allah. Muslims claim that the Quran was transmitted orally by the prophet's disciples and committing it to memory was to participate in guarding the text from loss or corruption. Also they believe that the Quran(composed of 114 suras) is the only divinely revealed Scripture in the history of humankind which has been preserved to the present time in its exact original form for 1400 years. Muslims claim that the original Bible was the Word of Allah, but that it became corrupted by Jews and Christians. The Bible of today has been mingled with many untruths. However this writer tried to prove Muslims' point of view is not true. The main purpose of this article was to critically evaluate the Quran. Specifically five areas related to the Quran were carefully evaluated: the divine nature of the Quran, the doctrine of abrogation, the changed lives of Muslims, circular reasoning, and the Hadith. At the conclusion he suggested some guidelines regarding witnessing to Muslims.