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The paper is to find out a missional strategy for those who are living within the various religious cultural backgrounds such as Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Shamanism in the era of the cultural changes of the social values generated by the religious pluralism. First, the ‘community-centered value’ can be rediscovered through which Christianity can reach out to the people of Confucianism. The church should be a community of the Christian believers to get together for the kingdom of God. Second, the ‘cause and effect value’ can be rediscovered through which Christianity can reach out to the people of Buddhism and Hinduism. The church should have an emphasis not on the karma or previous existence of lives but on the eternal life of the coming kingdom of God on the basis of Christ's ‘cause and effect.’Third, the ‘value of purity’ can be rediscovered through which Christianity can reach out to the people of Islam. The church should have a focus not on the abstinence of body but on the practice of the authentic purity fulfilled by the Holy Spirit's love and forgiveness. Lastly, the ‘value of living together’ can be rediscovered through which Christianity can reach out to the people of Shamanism. The church should have an emphasis not on the idolatry of the nature but on the preservation of the creature on the basis of God's loving kindness. In the era of cultural changes generated by the religious pluralism, the direction and tasks of Christian mission should be on such values as ‘church as community,’ ‘cause and effect based on Christ's death and resurrection.’ ‘purity coming from the Holy Spirit,’ and ‘God centered practice of living together.’