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This study seeks to introduce grounded theory as a missiological research method. For the last three years, two major Korean academic jounals for missions studies have published only two articles that were based on field research. Barney G. Glaser and Anselm L. Strauss explained that grounded theory discovers theory from data systematically obtained from social research. In this study, I suggest that grounded theory be a methodology that is sustainable and does not demand too much time and resources. Grounded theory was introduced by Glaser and Strauss in 1967. Since then, this methodology was widely used, including nursing,social welfare, education. This theory was introduced to Korea in 1987. From then on, this theory was used various disciplines. And yet, the usage of this theory in missions study in the Korean language was not found. This study explains the key concepts of grounded theory:theoretical sampling, theoretical sensitivity, theoretical saturation,memoing and coding. This study, then, talks about the process of the theory. This study, then, provides benefits and limitation of grounded theory as a missiological research method.