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The purpose of this article is to argue that God established a covenant with the Muslims who are the spiritual descendants of Ishmael, which the writer calls it “Ishmaelic Covenant”, just as Christians are those of Abraham, and that God provides the salvational plan for them in the Christ. And that the ‘Ishmaelic Covenant’ belongs to the ‘Abrahamic Covenant’, and the later is being completed by the former. In order to do this, the writer pursues the history of Ishmael and his descendants in the records of the Bible, especially focusing on the God’s covenant that was given to them and its fulfillment. In doing so, the writer tries to suggest some ideas in order for ‘Abrahamic covenant people’ and ‘Descendants of Ishmael’, who have lived for long time in hostility, to live together in peace. First of all, the writer provides the background of the birth of Ishmael and his life by arranging the ‘Ishmael narrative’ that is recorded in Genesis chapters 16, 17, 21 and 25 briefly. Then he adds some stories told in the Quran, the holy book of Muslims,whom the writer considers ‘the descendants of Ishmael.’ Then the writer deals with ‘Ishmaelic covenant’ which is the core part of this article. This term is newly made by the writer through biblical research, which has been ignored by the ‘covenant people.’ But the writer thinks that it should be dealt properly as the Abrahamic covenant, since the life and history of the descendants of Ishmael have been maintained according to this covenant. They became great nations by this covenant, though lived in the wilderness,and lived in hostility against all the brothers having warlike character. Finally the writer discusses the fulfillment and expectation of the ‘Ishmaelic covenant’ in the Bible. God has been faithful to the people fulfilling the covenant. To conclude, the writer suggests that the people of ‘Abrahamic covenant’ and those of ‘Ishmaelic covenant’ who have been in the relationship of hostility and conflict for a long time, should exert all possible efforts in order to re-recognize each other as brothers together who have been descended from one God and one father Abraham, and to build up win-win relationship each other.