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The number of multi-culture living in Korea have reached about 1.5 million already. Though some may not be neglected or poor, it is obvious that their life in foreign land is tough and weary. Inflow of multi-cultural person into Korea reminds us of what korean diaspora experienced in the past. Thus Korean churches need to take care of growing multi-cultural person and consider them as a target of mission. However, reality doesn't allow it easily. That is because Korean government prohibits any religious approaches to them, and multi-cultural person have different religious viewpoint. In the midst of these situation, christian NGO is the one that can overcome the obstacles and spread the Gospel. Infact, Korean churches have indebted to western christian NGO for their support. Statistics show that between 1955 and 1970, a period of Korean government establishment as well as period of tragic civil war, 47.7% of the western NGO which helped Korea were christian NGO. By the foreign missionary organization's great help in the form of NGO, Korea could have secured its status as a christian country today. With the rapid growth of Korean churches, several Korean christian NGO became influential both in and outside Korea. Then, Korean church should also make full use of christian NGO for missional strategy. With this perspective, this paper tries to explain the cause of multi-cultural person‘s rapid increase, and connect importance of christian NGO's supporting role as a tool for mission with the missional strategy. To complete the point, role of christian NGO for growing multi-cultural person in Korea has been discussed. The number of multi-culture live in this land as marriage migrants, industry workers, and North Korean refugees. Primary responsibility for supporting their lives is on the government. And till now, Korean government is helping them in the aspects of policy, administration, and economy. However, christian NGO involves in spiritual support which government overlooks, and this is what that puts christian NGO in a critical position in caring multi-cultural person. This paper introduces multi-cultural ministry with some examples from Korea Food for the Hungry International, Good People, and The Korea Cross-culture Promotion Society. Also, role of multi-cultural ministry and missional strategies are discussed. Inflow of multi-cultural person sometimes draw unwelcome attention due to various social problems arose. Even christians sometimes show sense of refusal against them. Turning these negative feelings into missional spirit should now be done by missiologist. One obvious fact is that unreached people are coming to us and now they are breathing together with us in this society. Writer suggests an active role of christian NGO to care and evangelize multi-cultural person drawn by the centripetal factors, and turn them as a centrifugal missional resources.