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This article writes on the mission of God from Abraham to nations: focusing on the protoevangelium and Genesis 12:1-3. This attempt is based on the assertion that the Old Testament is a book of missions. The Old Testament does not ignore or take lightly of the call of missions given to people all over the world. In Genesis, the first book of the Bible, the activities of four patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph are well recorded. God, the primary subject of mission, selected them as missionaries. Protoevangelium(Genesis 3:15) is consummated through Abraham’s obedience and belief, blessing of nations and his also descendent. This paper concentrates on the mission of God given to Abraham. Abraham was born as a son of Terah, a descendent of Shem (Gen. 11:27). God gave him a vision that his name would be great, he would make into a great nation, and be a blessing, and in the missionary field, God gave him the same vision repeatedly (Gen. 12:1-3). God selected Abraham and four great patriarchs and dispatched them to foreign soils as missionaries, watched over them, and blessed them so that they could witness God naturally through their life in their everyday environments. God sent them to foreign nations in different ways so they could do centrifugal mission instead of centripetal mission. This mission method is considered to be one of the most effective method of mission in this current period.