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The massive earthquakes in Indonesia (2004, 2014), the 2004 Phuket tsunami, the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the 2011 Eastern Japan tsunami and earthquake, the Sichuan earthquakes in 2008 and 2013, the 2011 Turkey earthquake, the super typhoon in Cebu, Philippines (2013)-these are only among the most powerful natural disasters to hit the world in years. Not only those natural disasters but also the political unrest and civil wars in the countries of Africa and Middle Asia such as Congo, Rwanda, Afghanistan, and Syria have produced countless refugees around the world. Their relief and protection are far beyond the capability of the care system of the UN refugee agencies. Those who are divested of their houses and are forced to leave their home countries are among the most afflicted people. They have many urgent needs for safe housing, daily food, water, etc. They are the “poor people” to whom, Jesus was “anointed to preach good news” (Luke 4:18-19). We should take advantage of these situations for opportunities, emergent and important, for the effort of global evangelism. While there have been lots of papers published for the mission for Korean diasporas, there have been almost none for the missional strategies for international diasporas, refugees caused by the natural disasters and political conflict in the 21st century. This paper proposes, through the exegesis on Isaiah 66:18 and consideration of the context wherein, to elucidate the Biblical basis for “the mission for escaped diasporas” and suggest its application to this mission. To our surprise, the prophet Isaiah predicted in 66:18-21 the mission for escaped diasporas, that is, the refugee mission. The escaped are the “Remnants” in terms of theology, and they are those among the Israelites and all nations who stand by God's side to the end. They are characteristically those 1) who have experienced God's glory, 2) who has been exiled for political or economically reasons, 3) and who evangelize all nations. This prophesy not only provides an important Biblical basis for the diaspora mission, but also shows the missional strategy, a mission through as well as for diaspora. The diaspora mission has been continuously conducted since the Biblical era, in the history of the world Christian mission including the Korean mission, and its importance is no less emphasized because of the occurrence of refugees worldwide including the “boat people.”The escaped diaspora are facing a full-blown humanitarian crisis-they are suffering from the shortage of clean water, food and shelter, domestic violence, sexual violence, sense of isolation, diseases, absence of educational opportunities, and so on. Therefore, we need to provide them with shelter, food, drinking water, jobs, etc., and help them by using medical volunteership and education for their children, as well as conducting a campaign demanding the legislation for humanitarian protection. In addition, we have to present the gospel to them through the community worship service and educate them with the Word. It is when they are changed through the Gospel that they can finally overcome their afflictions and stand as evangelists themselves.