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이 글은 한국 근현대사에서 ‘덕’ 개념들이 어떤 식으로 만나 어떤 식으로 충돌하였고, 또 어떤 변천의 과정을 겪었는가를 다루고자 한다. 이를 위해 1) 한국 근현대에서 ‘동양의’ 덕과 ‘서양의’ 덕이 어떤 식으로 만나고 충돌하는가를 다루고, 2) 한국 근현대의 역사적 변천 과정 속에서 ‘전통과 근현대’가 대립하는 과정을 덕 목록의 변화를 통해 해석해보고자 한다. 우리는 전체 논의를 위한 예비적 논의로 2장에서 수치문화의 관점에서 유가적 덕 개념과 희랍적 덕 개념 간에 본질적 유사성이 있음을 논증한다. 공자나 플라톤이나 모두 수치의 내면화를 통한 덕의 형성을 도모했음을 알 수 있는데, 이들의 덕 개념은 개인과 공동체의 연속 공간 속에서 도덕과 정치의 통합을 지향하는 것이 었다. 3장에서는 덕목록의 변천을 통해 서양과 한국에서 각기 덕의 의미가 어떻게 변화했는가를 살펴본다. 서양의 경우 고중세의 덕은 목적이었던 데 반해 근대에 오면 도구적 수단의 의미를 가지는 것으로 축소된다. 한국의 경우 사회진화론의 유입과 더불어 사적인 덕과 공적인 덕의 분열이 일어난다. 이런 분열에는 삶의 공간의 분열이 배경으로 놓여 있다. 4장에서는 박종홍의 中庸 개념을 통해 公과 私의 조화로운 통합이 실패하면서 어떻게 국가주의 철학으로 왜곡되게 되었는가를 해명한다. 우리가 밝히고자 한 것은 한국 근현대에 덕 개념에 의미의 분열과 왜곡 현상이 드러나고 있다는 것인데, 그런 사태는 개인과 국가 사이의 ‘사이 공간’이 합리적인 공간으로 구성되지 못한 데 기인한다는 것이 이 글의 결론이다.

Encounter and Conflict of Eastern and Western Notions of ‘Deok’ (‘Virtue’) in Korea During the Past Century Cheong, June-Young․Kim, Duk-Kyun This study discusses how the ‘Deok’ (‘Virtue’) notions interact and disagree, and how these notions have been changed in Korea during the past century. We focus on two points of view to discuss these issues. First, we describe how eastern and western ‘Virtue’ notions encounter and conflict with each other during the past century. Secondly, we will try to interpret the antagonistic relationships between traditional ‘Deok’ (‘Virtue’) notions, and modern ‘Deok’ (‘Virtue’) notions as they have changed during the past century. 1) We argue that there is a substantial similarity between the Confucian virtue and the ancient Greek virtue. 2) We consider how the meanings of virtues change in the West and Korea respectively. 3) We indicate what kind of defects is there in the Chong-Hong Park’s conception of the moderation. In Korea, Confucian morality has traditionally functioned as public rationality in traditional systems. However, Confucian morality lost its function of public rationality due to rapid social change after opening to the foreign trade. During the past century in Korea, traditional Confucian morality has been limited to family morality. It is because a tight consecutive connection of the individual, family and the nation was broken.

Encounter and Conflict of Eastern and Western Notions of ‘Deok’ (‘Virtue’) in Korea During the Past Century Cheong, June-Young․Kim, Duk-Kyun This study discusses how the ‘Deok’ (‘Virtue’) notions interact and disagree, and how these notions have been changed in Korea during the past century. We focus on two points of view to discuss these issues. First, we describe how eastern and western ‘Virtue’ notions encounter and conflict with each other during the past century. Secondly, we will try to interpret the antagonistic relationships between traditional ‘Deok’ (‘Virtue’) notions, and modern ‘Deok’ (‘Virtue’) notions as they have changed during the past century. 1) We argue that there is a substantial similarity between the Confucian virtue and the ancient Greek virtue. 2) We consider how the meanings of virtues change in the West and Korea respectively. 3) We indicate what kind of defects is there in the Chong-Hong Park’s conception of the moderation. In Korea, Confucian morality has traditionally functioned as public rationality in traditional systems. However, Confucian morality lost its function of public rationality due to rapid social change after opening to the foreign trade. During the past century in Korea, traditional Confucian morality has been limited to family morality. It is because a tight consecutive connection of the individual, family and the nation was broken.