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이 글에서는 1980년대 중국지식계에 등장한 ‘계몽기획’과 ‘계몽 성찰’이라는 각각 다른 성향의 담론들을 살펴봄으로써 1980년대 중국지식계의 분열상을 서술한다. 이를 통해 1980년대 중국지식계를 계몽의 단일성으로 이해하는 시각을 재고하고, 1980년대와 1990년대 중국지식계를 연속선상에서 파악할 수 있는 계기를 제공한다. 이제까지 1980년대 중국지식계는 계몽이라는 단일한 틀을 통해 이해되면서 1990년대 중국지식계의 분화양상과 대조적으로 인식되어 왔다. ‘계몽기획’에 속하는 당시의 지식담론으로는 맑스주의 내에서의 휴머니즘적 경향과 중국사회주의를 봉건에 비유하면서 입론을 전개한 진관타오의 역사해석, 류짜이푸의 문학주체성 논의, 리쩌허우의 계몽철학 등이 있다. 그러나 다른 한편으로 1980년대의 사상해방의 국면에서 중국에 유입된 서양현대철학은 계몽을 성찰하는 의식을 담은 지식담론의 탄생을 야기했다. 그 중 카시러의 문화철학적 인간 이해와 계몽의 복잡성에 대한 인식은 각각 간양의 근대성 성찰이라는 문제의식과 왕후이의 루쉰연구 및 사상사 연구에 영향을 주어 계몽에 대한 추구나 일면적 이해가 아닌 이에 대한 성찰과 다면적 이해의 계기로 기능했다. 따라서 1980년대 중국지식계의 성격을 계몽으로만 파악하면서 1990년대 지식계와 단순 대립시키는 이해를 수정하고 보다 심층적으로 이해할 필요성이 요청된다.

This study is focused on the division of knowledge discourse in China 1980s. Until now, most researchers have regarded that there was only one trend of enlightenment in 1980s’ knowledge discourse. But in fact, reflexive view on enlightenment started to appear from the second half of 1980s. The ‘Enlightenment project’ in 1980s is expressed by the presentation of Humanistic-Marxism and the seeking for enlightenment in the study of Jin Guantao(金觀濤), Liu Zaifu(劉再復) and Li Zehou(李澤厚). They compare the problem of Maoistic socialism and China 1908s’ modernization to the problem of tradition/feudal and modernity. On the base of this view, they pursued enlightenment and echoed the trend of China 1908s’ modernization. On the other side, there was reflexive view on enlightenment and modernity in the second half of 1908s. It can be found in the knowledge discourse of Gan Yang(甘陽), Wang Hui(汪暉). Gan Yang through introducing Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy of human culture formed his reflexive view on enlightenment and modernity. Wang hui through criticizing the history of Lu Xun(魯迅) study in China focused on the complexity of Lu Xun’s thought and enlightenment. As a result, they also presented the difference from the ‘Enlightenment project’ in 1980s. And both of their thought influenced by Ernst Cassirer’s philosophical theory. This is because many western knowledge that came into China and influenced intellectual in that time. As a result, we can find division, not unity in the area of China 1980s’ knowledge discourse. Accordingly, we must rethink the identity of the China 1980s’ knowledge discourse. In addition, we need to research the detail of China 1980s’ knowledge discourse.

This study is focused on the division of knowledge discourse in China 1980s. Until now, most researchers have regarded that there was only one trend of enlightenment in 1980s’ knowledge discourse. But in fact, reflexive view on enlightenment started to appear from the second half of 1980s. The ‘Enlightenment project’ in 1980s is expressed by the presentation of Humanistic-Marxism and the seeking for enlightenment in the study of Jin Guantao(金觀濤), Liu Zaifu(劉再復) and Li Zehou(李澤厚). They compare the problem of Maoistic socialism and China 1908s’ modernization to the problem of tradition/feudal and modernity. On the base of this view, they pursued enlightenment and echoed the trend of China 1908s’ modernization. On the other side, there was reflexive view on enlightenment and modernity in the second half of 1908s. It can be found in the knowledge discourse of Gan Yang(甘陽), Wang Hui(汪暉). Gan Yang through introducing Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy of human culture formed his reflexive view on enlightenment and modernity. Wang hui through criticizing the history of Lu Xun(魯迅) study in China focused on the complexity of Lu Xun’s thought and enlightenment. As a result, they also presented the difference from the ‘Enlightenment project’ in 1980s. And both of their thought influenced by Ernst Cassirer’s philosophical theory. This is because many western knowledge that came into China and influenced intellectual in that time. As a result, we can find division, not unity in the area of China 1980s’ knowledge discourse. Accordingly, we must rethink the identity of the China 1980s’ knowledge discourse. In addition, we need to research the detail of China 1980s’ knowledge discourse.