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인간이 되기 위하여 언어를 받아들인다는 것은 결코 순탄한 과정이 아니며, 이 과정에서 언어는 수용되기도 하고 거부되기도 한다. 후기구조주의자인 라캉은 소쉬르의 언어학과 프로이트의 정신분석학을 결합시켜 독창적인 언어사회화론을 제시하였다. 필자는 라캉의 언어관에서 파생되어 나오는 욕망, 담론, 팔루스, 무의식, 본환상 등의 개념을 설명한 뒤에, 그의 언어사회화론을 세 가지 발달 단계로 정리하였다. 이 세 가지 발달 단계를 설정할 때 필자는, 언어 이전의 단계로서의 거울단계, 언어로 유혹되는 단계로서의 실패놀이, 그리고 언어에로의 본격적 진입이 이루어지는 단계로서의 오이디푸스 콤플렉스를, 언어의 수용/거부에 따른 세 가지 임상적 범주(정신병, 도착증, 신경증)와 대응시켰다. 그리고 마지막 장에서는 (언어)사회화가 (가정)교육과 관련을 맺는 방식을 논의하고, 언어의 명명/금지 기능이 가정교육에 주는 시사점을 시론적으로 논의하였다.

Language acquisition that is not easy, smooth process, not in favorable circumstances is a indispensible for human being. He is not always successful in the language acquisition. According to Lacan, a child has a desire if he succeed in language acquisition. His desire or Other's desire wants to fill it, because the desire is the lack. He asks himself, "What does my mother want?" The answer of the question is only possible on the linguistic discourses, and the first signifier of the desire is so called phallus. The repressed signifiers composed of the unconscious contents under the consciousness. The desire doesn't know the satisfaction, therefore the effort to fill the desire is always in vain. It is the drive that knows the satisfaction. The fantasy has dramatized by the drive that is never totally repressed by the desire. The three states of the language acquisition such as the mirror stage, the spool play stage and Oedipus complex stage corresponds to the clinical categories of psychtherapy respectively, psychosis, perversion, and neurosis. In this thesis, first are the mirror stage and the psychosis bound to the pre-linguistic state, secondly are the spool play and the perversion bound to the half-linguistic state, and thirdly are the Oedipus complex and the neurosis bound to the linguistic state. Lacan, a post-structuralist, synthesized the structural linguistics(Saussure) and psychoanalysis(Freud) and proposed an unique theory of linguistic socialization. 'Name-of-the-Father', the proclamation of the incest taboo is a key concept of his language socialization theory. Lacan's concept of Name-of-the-Father, in other words the symbolic or the language functions as the law of prohibition. It is very important for a child to undergo the law as the absolute. He will lay bare his critical deficiency if he has not experience it. It is the mother who need to give it for him.

Language acquisition that is not easy, smooth process, not in favorable circumstances is a indispensible for human being. He is not always successful in the language acquisition. According to Lacan, a child has a desire if he succeed in language acquisition. His desire or Other's desire wants to fill it, because the desire is the lack. He asks himself, "What does my mother want?" The answer of the question is only possible on the linguistic discourses, and the first signifier of the desire is so called phallus. The repressed signifiers composed of the unconscious contents under the consciousness. The desire doesn't know the satisfaction, therefore the effort to fill the desire is always in vain. It is the drive that knows the satisfaction. The fantasy has dramatized by the drive that is never totally repressed by the desire. The three states of the language acquisition such as the mirror stage, the spool play stage and Oedipus complex stage corresponds to the clinical categories of psychtherapy respectively, psychosis, perversion, and neurosis. In this thesis, first are the mirror stage and the psychosis bound to the pre-linguistic state, secondly are the spool play and the perversion bound to the half-linguistic state, and thirdly are the Oedipus complex and the neurosis bound to the linguistic state. Lacan, a post-structuralist, synthesized the structural linguistics(Saussure) and psychoanalysis(Freud) and proposed an unique theory of linguistic socialization. 'Name-of-the-Father', the proclamation of the incest taboo is a key concept of his language socialization theory. Lacan's concept of Name-of-the-Father, in other words the symbolic or the language functions as the law of prohibition. It is very important for a child to undergo the law as the absolute. He will lay bare his critical deficiency if he has not experience it. It is the mother who need to give it for him.