초록 열기/닫기 버튼

관세학회지(제7권 제2호)The Journal of Korea Research Society for Customspp.249∼268This study is to prepare an activation plan to make the Dae-San harbour do the role of the international trade harbour. The objectives of Dae-San harbour development should be the smooth manipulation of the trade cargo, the revitalization of the local economics, environmental friendly and future oriented development. Also, an exclusive container wharf, an overall cargo circulation base, and the establishment of distribution network have to be developed with minimizing the popular complaints. Therefore, a sufficient revenue sources should be supplied in order to develop the harbour, the neighborhoods region, and the early construction of industrial railroad and the expansion of the existing roads. A residents council also be organized to solve the popular complaints and to present the better ideas.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Dae-San harbour, linear model, Algebraic model, logistic model,