초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The maritime transportation has been largely used for the trade between Korea and the EU even if the two partners are located in the Eurasian continent. Recent improvement of railway, linkage system in border areas, and safety level leads to the increased use of railway transportation such as the Trans-Chinese Railway(TCR) and the Trans-Siberian Railway(TSR). Korean shippers choose either the TCR or the TSR as a means of railway transportation with respect to their priority consideration. The short running distance and low damage level of freight are cost saving factors of TCR. However, since gauges in the outside China are different and same in the EU, frequent transshipment is needed when crossing borders. This creates delayed clearances and waiting time for quarantine. By contrast, the TSR passes less borders and encounters less gauge differences, thus less transshipment. Though the physical length of the TSR between Korea and the EU is longer than that of TCR, the transportation time with the TSR is advantageous. However, by the fact that the railway is located in a polar climate region, freight damage is frequent in winter.