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관세사법에서 예외적으로 허용하고 있는 통관취급법인에 대하여 허가대상 업종과 요건을 규정하고 있는 것은 불필요한 행정규제로 볼 수 없으며, 통관취급법인제도의 제한규정 없이 누구나 통관업무를 허용한다면 관세사법 제3조, 제19조제4항의 규정을 위반하는 것이다. 통관취급법인에 대한 시설·장비기준이 완화되거나 폐지되면 통관취급법인의 진출은 지금보다 훨씬 용이해 질 수 밖에 없기 때문에 오히려 적법성 측면에서 탈법적이고, 편법적인 통관의 통로로 활용될 가능성이 상존한다. 따라서 통관취급법인 등의 시설․장비기준을 현행 기준으로 유지하는 것은 통관의 재정건전성 확보 등 중요한 의미가 내포되어 있고, 전문자격사의 독립성을 담보할 수 있기 때문에 반드시 필요하다.

Customs house broker in law enforcement for the customs handling corporate sector and the requirements for authorization is not an unnecessary administrative regulation. Without the customs handling corporate limits of the system handling customs clearance work if you allow anyone Customs house broker Law Article 3, Article 19 Paragraph (4) is in violation of regulations. Facilities for handling customs clearance company, equipment, or the abolition of the relaxation when the standards, customs handling the corporation's expansion is not only so much can be facilitated. Unlawful in terms of legality, rather, serve as a conduit for expedient customs clearance is likely will persist. Therefore, Customs has important implications, such as ensuring the financial soundness and professional qualifications that guarantee the independence of the corporation in terms of handling customs clearance facilities, equipment, based on current criteria, it is necessary to maintain.

Customs house broker in law enforcement for the customs handling corporate sector and the requirements for authorization is not an unnecessary administrative regulation. Without the customs handling corporate limits of the system handling customs clearance work if you allow anyone Customs house broker Law Article 3, Article 19 Paragraph (4) is in violation of regulations. Facilities for handling customs clearance company, equipment, or the abolition of the relaxation when the standards, customs handling the corporation's expansion is not only so much can be facilitated. Unlawful in terms of legality, rather, serve as a conduit for expedient customs clearance is likely will persist. Therefore, Customs has important implications, such as ensuring the financial soundness and professional qualifications that guarantee the independence of the corporation in terms of handling customs clearance facilities, equipment, based on current criteria, it is necessary to maintain.