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본 논문은 세종의 집권후반기에 나타난 권력이 양을 위한 논의를 법가적 인시제의의 개념으로 설 명하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 세종은 재위 18년이 되는 병진년(1436년)의 정치적 위기에 대처하기 위 해서 조선왕조의 창업이후 처음으로 섭정의 제도 화를 통한 정치적 안정성을 추구했는데, 이는 유교 적 정치이념과 갈등을 초래하는 것이었다. 본 논문 은 유가적 성군(聖君)으로 평가되는 세종이 유가 적 논리를 통해서도 대응하기 어려운 정치적 현실 에 직면했을 때, 시세에 따라서 창조적으로 대응하 며 새로운 전범(典範)을 만들어 가야 한다는 것을 보여주었다는 점에서 그의 통치력에 대한 새로운 평가를 시도하고자 한다.

This article aims to analyze the debates for the transition of power during the later half period of King Sejong's reign, based on the concept of the Legalist timely law-making. Sejong tried to institutionalize the regency for the purpose of coping with the political crisis since the year of 1436, and paving the way to the stable power transition for the first time in Chosun dynasty, which brought about the antagonism between political ideology and reality. This paper attempts to revaluate King Sejong's statecraft in the viewpoint that how he creatively meets the historical needs of his time when he could not deal with the critical situation by using the confucian rhetorics.

This article aims to analyze the debates for the transition of power during the later half period of King Sejong's reign, based on the concept of the Legalist timely law-making. Sejong tried to institutionalize the regency for the purpose of coping with the political crisis since the year of 1436, and paving the way to the stable power transition for the first time in Chosun dynasty, which brought about the antagonism between political ideology and reality. This paper attempts to revaluate King Sejong's statecraft in the viewpoint that how he creatively meets the historical needs of his time when he could not deal with the critical situation by using the confucian rhetorics.