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This study aims to examine whether autobiography writing program (ABWP) improves ego- integrity in the aged. The ABWP developed by the reseacher consists of 4 steps and 7 themes in oder to improve ego-integrity. Ego-integrity is an indispensible factor of successful aging. Autobiography is personal history and a dialogue of the self with itself in the present about the past for the sake of self-understanding. The materials of this study have been collected from one eighty-year-old woman who had suffered from loneliness and depression, for her life story had been told to anybody no more. Analysis were conducted according to 'biography research' on the basis of 'the narrative psychology' suggested by McAdams. After the 8-week ABWP was completed, her unsolved conflicts were able to be reintegrated. The meaning of her life was newly discovered in her old age, so that her ego-integrity was improved. Based on this result, the writing of and reflection upon one's life story was proved as a tool for healing of unfinished life issues for the aged. Aged society is drawing near. There may be increasing aged people in church, so it is time to prepare for ministry for the aged. The result of this study provides a model for pastoral care for the aged improving the quality of care of them.