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Kim Jeong-hui(1786∼1856) is an excellent artist, a literary man, and an epigraphist in the late Joseon. His achievements, which were accumulated as a calligrapher based on documental archaeology, is what is great enough to draw one stroke in our country's art history. The purpose of this study was to closely examine literary characteristics that his poem has through Yeongmulsi(詠物詩:Poetry on Objects),which was selected and recited the limited materials among not a few works left by Kim Jeong-hui. Yeongmulsi is one branch of Hansi(漢詩:Chinese poetry), which revealed a poet's feeling and creative intention through recitation of a Chinese poem in objects such as tree, flower, bird and animal. The characteristic of Yeongmulsi by Kim Jeong-hui is what acquires and precisely depicting on inherent characteristic of object. This characteristic is revealed even in material of Yeongmulsi that he selected. A plant is overwhelmingly holding a dominant position. This is associated with his precise and documental learning attitude, and can be said to be have a thread of connection even with 'Hyeongsa(形似),’which is creative method of Yeongmulsi. Also, it uses Jeongo(典故),which passed through accurate historical research with well-informed academic attitude, thereby revealing affection for our country's territory. Another characteristic of Kim Jeong-hui's Yeongmulsi is the aspect of artist. Jehwasi(題畵詩:Painting Poetry) was much created among his Chinese poems. Especially, Jehwasi, which had Yeongmul as medium, is outstanding. This can be said to be characteristic peculiar to Kim Jeong-hui's Yeongmulsi.