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The aim of a paper is to study his honesty on Park In-Whoan"s poems. By analyzing the poems related with his war experience, I intended to read his honesty, that is, he didn"t pretend to frustrated and be conscious of death. In his poems written pre-war, he expressed the optimistic perspective that he could overcome the contradiction of the reality. However the perspective was product of indirect experience. So his poetic self looks rosy, which keep aloof from the reality. In contrast in his poems written post war the gap of poetic self and realistic self narrowed and only dispair and death-consciousness emerged. In other words, the poetic self and realistic self is coincident. Through the witness the death of his friend and seeking shelter during the war, Park severely felt the tragic aspect of the war. The perception that the war deprived him of life, literature, truth and love, therefore couldn"t find hope in life hung down his whole poems. Of course, he didn"t struggle to keep the freedom for his life and dignity of life. Probably such "unconscious guilty sense" prevented him from producing new prospect aggressively in his poems. Even so, it is clear that Park"s poems based on war experience awakened the reader to be aware of dignity of life and value of freedom. In short, it is reviewed Park was sincere and pure in that he dealt with despair and death-consciousness based on his anguish experience.