초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to introduce the bibliography in Joseon Jijijaryo(朝鮮地誌資料) to examine the phonological characteristics and writing system presented in this book. Publication dates of "Joseon Jijijaryo" are uncertain, but It is assumed with documentary data of 1910. Orthography of the intitial consonant clusters coexist the compound writing of the different letters "ㅂ" system and "ㅅ" system, gradually they are tend to unify to ㅅ-sequential consonant cluster. The compound writing of the same letters "ㅆ" commonly represented in "Joseon Jijijaryo". Aspirated sounds orthography of stem-final consonant are consist of 1) form (겨틔), 2) form (겻틔), 3) form (겻희), we can see the fact that had changed from 2) form to 3) form according to the published age representing the book named "Joseon Jijijaryo". Orthography from the book named "Joseon Jijijaryo" was tendency to unify from linked orthography that is phonemic orthography to separated writing that is morphophonemic orthography. it was revealation of grammartical consciousness of writer.