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This article aims to analyze errors and to calculate frequency of errors in 43 texts of college students' writing. The result is that the most frequent errors are 'error of the word spacing', 'missing constituent of sentence', and 'improper choice of words'. The errors of the word spacing in students' texts occur mainly in sentences which have noun phrases,modifiers, or bound nouns. The omission of subject is the most frequent error of 'the missing constituent of sentence'. Through the error of 'improper choice of words', we noticed that the college students don't know differences of basic meaning of words. The other high frequency errors are 'errors of highly complicated syntactic structure', 'surplus of sentence meaning', 'errors of punctuation marks' and so on. Of the errors which is ranked in top 10 by error frequency, errors of sentence level, especially grammatical errors frequently occurred in the college students' texts This suggests that teaching of sentence writing,especially teaching of grammar is needed for Korean students. Also through this analysis, it was found that error frequency per 100words in Korean texts is much more than in English texts. These findings suggest that teachers have to teach grammar and orthography regulations in education of writing from middle school period.