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This thesis is to study on the use and meaning of a motion picture as a motif or a subject matter in a novel. This thesis treated it focusing on A Struggle by Kang, Young-sook, and A Night Without Air by Yoon, Seong-hee. In these works, movie as subject matter is not a romantic or fantastic story, and is not a only matter for amusement or spare time. In these works, movie or theater is a mediation for communication and sympathy. One of distinctive features in the contemporary novel is that the image media like movie and television were frequently appeared as a motif or an essential material for the genre. It is an interesting feature that most contemporary novels frequently created a significant number of characters who watched, is watching, or will be watching movie. Moreover, incidents or events in a novel occurred by those image media. Some scenes in movie are also occasionally adopted. The selection and choice of a subject matter is a result of a writer's careful attention and cognition. Therefore the multiple use of a motion picture in a recent novel proves a growing interest in a visual media,and awareness of their new significance. Also the use of visual media signifies a tactics to gain popularity while applying the publics interest in motional picture. These features prove that the novel and motion picture were overturned their roles in which they had provided essential motifs each other, or underwent to equal positions. Now a film is a new stimulus and an essential nutriment for a novel that has to create new stories continually. The use of motion picture as a subject matter or motif in a novel presents that the relationship between novel and motion picture legitimately becomes a crucial participant to take a part in a story-telling while overcoming their simple level of borrowing techniques.