초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This studying is for the function and meaning of insertional vowel in the conjugation of verbs and adjectives on 15c. The studying which was existing for ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’ has tried to research the function of ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’ in a final morpheme for a connection and ending. However, they only have been interested in analysis of morphological inflection for noun form but have not been interested in ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’ in morphological inflection for noun form. Because, it was regularly injected in morphological inflection for noun form. Also, resent studying try to explain ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’ with included sentence of generative grammar. Firstly, the form of a morphological inflection for noun form is originally same with the form of derivated noun on 15c. However, noun form of a morphological inflection was changed because of ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’'s injection in. It means that the changed form brought the distinction of meaning between them, and additionally had caused the changing of their form. Secondly, ‘-ㄴ, -ㄹ’ were the ending of pre-noun. If a morphological inflection chooses pre-noun form, it will has ‘-ㄴ’ or ‘-ㄹ’. If it chooses ‘-ㄴ’, it has the meaning of a condition with the function of a modification, if it chooses ‘-ㄹ’, it also has the meaning of a condition with the function of a modification. However, if it wants to have the meaning of a description, it has a different form to avoid the confusion of meaning with the meaning of a condition. According to the above statements, the changed form by ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’means not only transforming but changed the meaning of a morphological inflection for the form. Also, if form of a morphological inflection needs the meaning of a description, ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’ is always injected in the form. Therefore, ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’ could be regarded as the morpheme which has the meaning of a description.