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Currently, each university's writing curriculum of the course includes the writing of many kinds, and every college to progress the field of writing is also somewhat different. However, 'self-narrative writing' as much as commonly dealt with by each university's main course is true that. So 'self-narrative writing' is the right course for students, proves the fact that important work. An objective to be reminded of his past, it looks like now, and through his vision of the future in order to design a 'self-narrative writing' to go through the lower grades is essential in the key step is education. Perhaps in the future will also create a ‘self introduction write’ will have a big impact. In college writing class 'self-narrative writing' as required through the process to determine how subsequent class discussions that are becoming active. But the 'self introduction write' and related research for the purpose of most of his career has focused on PR. ‘Self introduction write’on the eve of the work usually required for high-grade way to writing and presented to the lower grade is too difficult writing. Clear identity in the past and be reminded of their own dreams and aspirations in order to create your future, you must first establish their identity and their values should be created. Considering the purpose of education 'writing self-introduction' rather than 'self-narrative writing' is currently writing the curriculum of the University decided that would be appropriate. ‘Self-narrative writing’ related to the introspective look at the past, part of the study emphasize the effectiveness of teaching it can be expected. However, specific teaching methods presented, and that can lead to inconvenient because the effect does not show. This study begins in consciousness of these issues. The study of college writing courses, which accounts for a significant portion ‘self-narrative writing’ to focus on were investigated. And that can be used effectively in the field showed how detailed lessons.