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The purpose of this study is to critically review ‘The Teacher-Student Reading Discussion Club’ activities as a school leading program, and propose the method to activate it and stabilize the policy. First of all, it tries to identify the problems in ‘The Teacher-Student Reading Discussion Club’ activities based on the reports such as Club Support Project Achievement Analysis Report and Reading Club Activity Report in the actual field of school. The problems of the club activities based on the governmental policy are sd follows :1) Although the policy of the club emphasizes subject reading, it has limitations Such as diverse disciplines and diverse subject teachers could not participate in the club. 2) The purposes of the club are not diverse. 3) The activities of the club in school are not organically connected to the purpose and the theme of the operation of each club. 4) The role of the teacher needs to be reviewed in the activities of the club. Based on the critical review of the activities of the club a meaningful example was introduced. The case of reading club that the researcher practiced was performed on the base of very concrete and specialized purposes. Through this trial, another possibility of the club was discovered. Additionally, the annual theme and focus of the reading club activities have advantages helping internalize the reading or reading discussion and to allow them to read in the real life context. Finally, the followings are suggested to activate the activities of 'The Teacher-Student Reading Discussion Club’1) Practice studies verifying the educational effects of the club are needed. 2) Annual theme focusing the reading and discussion club activities should be introduced. 3) The teacher should play the role as a teacher and as a member of the club at the same time. The teacher should guide and counsel the students as well. 4) Reference materials to help the selection of the books for reading and discussion and the systemic model for the club operation are needed. 5) Training for the teachers who operate the reading clubs is needed. 6) Continuous financial supports from school and the local education authority are needed. 7) Reading guidance professionals (Reading Club Coordinator) who will be responsible for supporting and managing the reading club activities are needed.