초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study investigated speaking educational method through play of the Korean language education, and suggested teaching and learning of speaking through the play for foreign students. The purpose of the Korean language education was to communicate smoothly. Learners were needed to be exposed to learning material that could give linguistic experience and activities to be suitable to communication at the classes. Therefore, speaking education should be based on linguistic communion and discourse between speaker and listener along with selection and organization of speaking contents. In particular, speaking education of the second language education for foreigners was demanded to strengthen teaching of non-linguistic activities for smooth communication. This was because speaking ability could be improved effectively when learners spoke knowledge at speaking situation. So, speaking situation should be made in the curriculum, and teaching and learning method should allow learners to experience speaking at virtual situation. This study investigated use of the play that was one of teaching and learning, and gave a case of application. In this study, experimental group who attended class of play was assumed to speak the Korean language better than control group who did not attend the class. The study had limitations: First, the subject was 26 Chinese exchange students at 'A' University to be difficult to generalize the findings. Second, number of interviewees was small to be difficult to be objective at investigation into not only interest in learning of the Korean language but also better communication ability. The study could give learners a type of class of speaking despite the limitation to be of help for experimental group students to speak fluently, and kept curriculum contents in order. The play for educational use at speaking gave learners speaking opportunity to help educate language, thought, expressions and linguistic situation.