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본 연구는 TV광고 자막, 특히 자막의 처리방식이 광고 태도와 회상 등의 광고 효과에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 알아보기 3개 또는 4개 집단의 대학생들에게 TV광고를 제시하여 조사하였다. 제시된TV광고의 자막은 자막의 개수, 자막의 기법, 자막의 크기, 자막의 위치, 자막과 음성 메시지의 5가지 처리방식으로 처리되었다. 연구 결과, TV광고에서 자막의 사용은 어떠한 형태로든지 수용자의 광고 태도와 회상의 다양성과 정확도에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 광고 태도에 영향을 주는 처리방식은 자막의 크기와 음성 메시지와의 일치 정도였다. 자막의 개수 차이에 따라 회상의 다양성과 정확도 모두에 차이가 나타났는데, 자막이 많은 경우에 회상의 다양성과 정확도가 가장 높았으나 반면 자막이 없는 경우에도 회상이 다양하고 정확하다는 것이 밝혀졌다. 자막의 크기와 위치 역시 메시지 회상의 정확도에 영향을 미쳤는데 자막이 화면 전면을 차지하거나 가독성이 있는 정도의 크기일 대 회상의 정확도가 높았고, 위치는 화면 중앙에 있을 때 높았다. 이러한 결과는 TV광고에서 자막을 사용할 때 광고 태도를 높일 것인가 메시지 회상을 높일 것인가에 따라 고려해야 할 자막 처리방식이 다르다는 것과 자막을 처리할 때 어떻게 하는 것이 효과적인지 단서를 제공해주고 있다.

Advertisers use captions very frequently in making TV-CM. But it is doubtful whether they works or not. Even though they have some influence, what makes them effective is not verified. Because there have been little studies about this subject. So this study aims that what aspects of caption really influence consumers cognition, like attitude toward advertising, diversity of recall, and accuracy of recall, if it works. This study classify the treatment methods in 5 ways as number of captions, technique of caption, size of caption, position of caption, and congruency with verbal message. The data is collected by experimental research from 3 or 4 experimental groups. From the results, it is revealed that caption has some effects in some way. Size of caption and congruency with verbal message affect audience’s attitude toward advertising. Number of captions influences on diversity and accuracy of recall. Size and position are effective on accuracy of recall. Size is effective both on attitude and recall. But in other cases, the results of attitude are not related with recall. This study propose that advertisers should consider the purpose of caption before they use caption. If they want to enhance favorable attitude toward advertising, they would rather decide carefully the size of caption and the congruency with verbal message. If they want to get good message recall, they consider number, size, and congruency.

Advertisers use captions very frequently in making TV-CM. But it is doubtful whether they works or not. Even though they have some influence, what makes them effective is not verified. Because there have been little studies about this subject. So this study aims that what aspects of caption really influence consumers cognition, like attitude toward advertising, diversity of recall, and accuracy of recall, if it works. This study classify the treatment methods in 5 ways as number of captions, technique of caption, size of caption, position of caption, and congruency with verbal message. The data is collected by experimental research from 3 or 4 experimental groups. From the results, it is revealed that caption has some effects in some way. Size of caption and congruency with verbal message affect audience’s attitude toward advertising. Number of captions influences on diversity and accuracy of recall. Size and position are effective on accuracy of recall. Size is effective both on attitude and recall. But in other cases, the results of attitude are not related with recall. This study propose that advertisers should consider the purpose of caption before they use caption. If they want to enhance favorable attitude toward advertising, they would rather decide carefully the size of caption and the congruency with verbal message. If they want to get good message recall, they consider number, size, and congruency.