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이 연구는 공공정책을 둘러싼 이해관련 집단이 그들의 목표를 달성하기 위하여 배포하는 보도자료의 프레임을 분석해서 공공주제에 관한 홍보활동이 어떠한 대상과 기능을 중심으로 전개되고 있는지를 고찰하는 데 목적을 둔다. 이를 위해 교육행정정보시스템(NEIS) 에 대해 비판적‧대항적 성격을 띠어 온 전국교직원노동조합이 언론 등 각계에 배포해왔던 보도자료의 프레이밍을 표본추출하여 내용분석하였다. NEIS 논쟁이 사회의 중심이슈로 떠오른 기간 동안에 게시된 46건의 보도자료 중 절반인 23건을 체계적 표집방법으로 추출하여 프레이밍(framing)의 분석틀로 살펴 보았다. 프레이밍 분석의 유목은 대상과 기능, 다른 정보원의 인용 여부 등이었다. 23건의 보도자료들을 구성하고 있는 376개의 문장에 내포된 프레이밍의 특징을 살펴 본 결과 다음과 같은 사실을 발견했다. 첫째, NEIS 사례와 관련된 홍보실무자는 다양한 프레이밍을 통해 주제를 집단의 논리에 맞춰 유도해 가고 있었다. 둘째, 프레이밍의 대상은 “속성”과 “행위”가 가장 많았으며 여론동향이나 미디어보도에 관련된 “이슈”는 상대적으로 적은 비율을 나타냈다. 셋째, 프레이밍의 기능적 요소들 중에서는 “도덕적 판단”과 “부각"이 가장 많았고 ”선택“은 상대적으로 적었다. 넷째, 인용 형식의 프레이밍의 비중이 직접적인 메시지 작성 및 구성에 비해 훨씬 낮았다. 후속연구에서는 특정 이익집단의 분석에 국한된 한계를 극복하고, 프레이밍의 양적인 분석을 보완하기 위한 질적인 분석방법도 시도되어야 할 필요가 있다.

The purpose of this study is to provide a strategical guideline of PR by analyzing a sort of PR activities of an interest group against a piece of public policy in Korea. It intends to examine categories and characteristics of frames contained in a series of press releases from the Korean Educators' Association and to clarify the objects and functions of the them. Twenty-three articles of the press releases were selected out of forty-six in total were content analyzed. Main categories of the analysis are objects and functions of frames induced from various theoretical bases that belong to each sentence in the press releases. Of course the unit of analysis is each of 376 sentences included to the interest group's press releases. Findings show that the PR practitioner of the interest group focuses on the framing aspects of attributes and actions on the contrary to neglecting those of issues and news. In terms of functional aspects of the frames, moral judgment and salience have been much more emphasized than selection in process. Quoted or cited frames were much less than directly expressed frames. This study suggests that the further research deal with more kinds of groups or more diverse PR messages and necessarily complement the vacant parts of previous studies by using qualitative methods.

The purpose of this study is to provide a strategical guideline of PR by analyzing a sort of PR activities of an interest group against a piece of public policy in Korea. It intends to examine categories and characteristics of frames contained in a series of press releases from the Korean Educators' Association and to clarify the objects and functions of the them. Twenty-three articles of the press releases were selected out of forty-six in total were content analyzed. Main categories of the analysis are objects and functions of frames induced from various theoretical bases that belong to each sentence in the press releases. Of course the unit of analysis is each of 376 sentences included to the interest group's press releases. Findings show that the PR practitioner of the interest group focuses on the framing aspects of attributes and actions on the contrary to neglecting those of issues and news. In terms of functional aspects of the frames, moral judgment and salience have been much more emphasized than selection in process. Quoted or cited frames were much less than directly expressed frames. This study suggests that the further research deal with more kinds of groups or more diverse PR messages and necessarily complement the vacant parts of previous studies by using qualitative methods.