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본 연구는 최근 새로운 변화를 통해 매체 활용 가능성을 높여나가고 있는 극장광고의 과학적 토대를 마련하기 위한 시도로서 이루어졌다. 이를 위해 관객집단의 극장광고에 대한 태도 및 회피, 그리고 이와 관계성이 밀접할 것으로 예상되는 관객의 세 가지 심리적 요인, 즉 심리적 반발, 공정성 지각 및 경험성 지각 요인을 중심으로 해당 변인들 간의 관계성을 파악해보고자 하였다. 연구결과, 공정성 및 경험성 지각 요인은 극장광고의 태도와 정적 상관관계 그리고 극장광고 회피와는 부적 상관관계를 보이는 것으로 나타났으며, 심리적 반발 요인은 예상과는 달리 극장광고 태도와 회피에 유의적인 관계성이 존재하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 극장 입장에서 보면 공정성 및 경험성 지각 차원에서 관객의 지각 수준을 제고시키는 것이 극장광고에 대한 태도 및 그 효과를 개선시키는 방법이 될 수 있음을 시사한다. 마지막 부분에서는 논의와 더불어 한계 및 후속연구에 대한 제언 등을 제시하였다.

Recently, more and more companies try to find new and innovative ways of persuasive communication directed to target audiences. Cinema or in-theatre advertising is one of those types of advertising which they consider to include. In this context, this study tried to investigate the relationship among moviegoers’ psychological factors(that is, psychological reactance, perception characteristics in terms of exchange equity, and perception characteristics in terms of expectancy confirmation-disconfirmation), the attitude toward the cinema advertising, and the avoidance(physical and cognitive) of the cinema advertising. To achieve these goals, 7 hypotheses were established and tested. As a result of proving 7 hypotheses, all hypotheses except two were supported. The results were as follows. There have been significant and positive relations between the perception characteristics of equitable exchange and attitude toward the cinema advertising, and between the perception characteristics of equitable exchange and avoidance of cinema advertising, seperately. Also, there have been significant and positive relations between the perception characteristics of expectancy confirmation-disconfirmation and attitude toward the cinema advertising, and between the perception characteristics of expectancy confirmation-disconfirmation and avoidance of cinema advertising, seperately. Moreover, there has been significantly negative relation between attitude toward the cinema advertising and the avoidance of cinema advertising. Contrary to our expectation, there was no significant relation between moviegoers’ psychological reactance and its relevant variables. The authors found that equity perception characterisitics and expectancy perception characteristics may prove to be promising foundations for understanding of cinema advertising. Several kinds of limits of this study and the future direction of follow research were presented at the final section.