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There was no problem that drugs abuse phenomenon grows socially before 8.15 the restoration of independence. but it is problem since the restoration of independence that drug abuse is risen by serious social problem. Moreover, there is in trend that drug abuse soars entering in the 90s and that age is changed as abuse target layer is spread a student, teenagers including ordinary peoples and kind of abuse drugs becomes various and philopon, marijuana makes stock in occasion of adults and Teenagers are abusing bond and butane gas inhalation and direction mind sex′s agent. Recentry, teenagers' drugs abuse problem gradually social problem if is changed but leaves problem of drug abuse, It is come to the fore by the most important social problem. Therefore, in this study, I wish to recognize drugs courtesy call policy and the assignment that examine historic background and drugs regulation legislation that drug abuse was become an issue changing kind of drugs by age after the restoration of independence. Recognize drugs prevention policy and the assignment that prevents social diffusion of drug abuse.