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Today, a lot of schools aim for open education and school. In the same context, Christian university can’t be equal to academy mission, building a high wall of a doctrine. As Paul confesses that I can do everything through him who gives me strength for the Gospel under any circumstances, Christian university must be open for the Gospel. Above all, open school is open for all students and must be always ready for a meeting. Open Christian school is to ask a meaning of life and to meet students asking a question of existence, receiving them with a open mind and help them welcome Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. This is possible to be one in the center of Christ. School personnels who work in Christian university are to serve faithfully. They must take part in the faith training program actively and positively as ripe christians. Students who work in missionary organizations and christian groups have to cooperate each other in university. Because of spiritual superiority and arrogance of faith, we must not be separated and repeat past mistakes. On the contrary, we must receive in a humble way the comment that missionary organizations were a obstacle to academy mission. In the case of a part of missionary organizations, officials and core members used to build a wall and blame a church. And so, we have to improve this negative attitude. When members in campus as a God people have to cooperate each other and live in a place of life as the witness of the Gospel, the future of the campus mission will be better and brighter. We will get the vision of the future, conversing past history with present situation. First, we will examine the missionary history of christian university briefly and diagnose the situation of campus mission. On the basis of this diagnosis, we should present several important tasks to practice for mission. This paper will give a direction of campus mission with a limitation of research range. We will examine this paper in the center of Jeonju University .

Today, a lot of schools aim for open education and school. In the same context, Christian university can’t be equal to academy mission, building a high wall of a doctrine. As Paul confesses that I can do everything through him who gives me strength for the Gospel under any circumstances, Christian university must be open for the Gospel. Above all, open school is open for all students and must be alwayToday, a lot of schools aim for open education and school. In the same context, Christian university can’t be equal to academy mission, building a high wall of a doctrine. As Paul confesses that I can do everything through him who gives me strength for the Gospel under any circumstances, Christian university must be open for the Gospel. Above all, open school is open for all students and must be always ready for a meeting. Open Christian school is to ask a meaning of life and to meet students asking a question of existence, receiving them with a open mind and help them welcome Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. This is possible to be one in the center of Christ. School personnels who work in Christian university are to serve faithfully. They must take part in the faith training program actively and positively as ripe christians. Students who work in missionary organizations and christian groups have to cooperate each other in university. Because of spiritual superiority and arrogance of faith, we must not be separated and repeat past mistakes. On the contrary, we must receive in a humble way the comment that missionary organizations were a obstacle to academy mission. In the case of a part of missionary organizations, officials and core members used to build a wall and blame a church. And so, we have to improve this negative attitude. When members in campus as a God people have to cooperate each other and live in a place of life as the witness of the Gospel, the future of the campus mission will be better and brighter. We will get the vision of the future, conversing past history with present situation. First, we will examine the missionary history of christian university briefly and diagnose the situation of campus mission. On the basis of this diagnosis, we should present several important tasks to practice for mission. This paper will give a direction of campus mission with a limitation of research range. We will examine this paper in the center of Jeonju University .s ready for a meeting. Open Christian school is to ask a meaning of life and to meet students asking a question of existence, receiving them with a open mind and help them welcome Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. This is possible to be one in the center of Christ. School personnels who work in Christian university are to serve faithfully. They must take part in the faith training program actively and positively as ripe christians. Students who work in missionary organizations and christian groups have to cooperate each other in university. Because of spiritual superiority and arrogance of faith, we must not be separated and repeat past mistakes. On the contrary, we must receive in a humble way the comment that missionary organizations were a obstacle to academy mission. In the case of a part of missionary organizations, officials and core members used to build a wall and blame a church. And so, we have to improve this negative attitude. When members in campus as a God people have to cooperate each other and live in a place of life as the witness of the Gospel, the future of the campus mission will be better and brighter. We will get the vision of the future, conversing past history with present situation. First, we will examine the missionary history of christian university briefly and diagnose the situation of campus mission. On the basis of this diagnosis, we should present several important tasks to practice for mission. This paper will give a direction of campus mission with a limitation of research range. We will examine this paper in the center of Jeonju University .