초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The unification mission of the Korean church is carried out with more Diakonia than Kerygma. It has the positive effects on the national product as well as on the food-and nutrition status in North Korea, besides on the personal relations between South and North Korea. It has also the positive mission effect in North Korea, although that is not confirmed exactly with number. But because of the exclusionism of the North Korean regime transparency and efficiency of the aid become hot issues and induced the ‘South-South conflict’. Not only that, the humanitarian aid is under the strong influence of the political situation. Moreover in the year 2010 because of the attacking Chunan-Ham and the bombardment Yunpyung-Do the diaconal activity of the Korean church must be closed. In order to exceed these limitations an another diaconal method can be proposed. That ist the commercial aid with return beside the contributive aid without return. The commercial aid with return has not few advantage: ⑴ It ist a international business, that is political neutral furthermore protected by government. ⑵ The commercial aid produces value-added, that can be the self-supporting ground for the partner. ⑶ Therefore the commercial aid does not induce the partner to fall in the ‘Samaritan’s dilemma’. ⑷ The commercial aid is self-sustaining and can be enlarged, if it makes a profit. ⑸ The material resource of aid is invested in business and in production system, not concentrated on a place. ⑹ The commercial aid does not make ‘agent problem’, nor the problem of low transparency and low efficiency on the level of the contributive aid. But what ist more important, is the harmony of Korean churches to make a unified organization, that takes care of the commercial aid. This organization can concentrate the unification power of the Korean churches, because it could treat the problem of the internal competition between Korean churches themselves, the overlapping of aids, the monitoring etc. In the end the harmony of Korean churches determines the time of the Unification in the korean peninsula.