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본 연구는 우리나라에서 2005년도부터 처음으로 실시하고 있는 보육시설에 대한 평가인증제도를 미국, 호주의 보육시설 평가인증제도와 비교 분석하여 한국의 보육시설 평가인증 제도의 정착 및 개선에 필요한 기초 자료를 제공함을 목적으로 수행되었다. 이를 위해 한국, 미국, 호주의 보육시설 평가인증제도를 주관기관, 평가목적, 평가대상, 평가절차, 평가비용, 평가자, 평가지표 등 평가인증제도의 체제 측면과 평가결과 유형, 평가결과 공개여부, 평가결과에 따른 지원 여부 등 평가인증제도의 평가결과 활용 측면으로 나누어 비교 분석하고 연구결과, 조력 지원 프로그램의 개발, 자체평가 점수를 최종 합산 점수에서 제외, 평가결과에 따른 재정 지원 연계, 각 지표의 평가단계를 3단계에서 최소한 4단계 이상으로 세분화, 평가자 훈련 프로그램의 심화 등을 개선 방안으로 제시하였다.

This study compares and analyzes the child care service evaluation systems of KCAC (Korean Childcare Accreditation Council), NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children, U.S.A.) and NCAC (National Childcare Accreditation Council, Australia) in terms of their evaluation goals, evaluation programs, evaluation process, evaluation fee, validators, evaluation criteria and the use of evaluation results. Based on the results of analyzing the evaluation system of KCAC, NAEYC and NCAC, this study suggests the directions for improving child care service evaluation systems in Korea:1) a program for assistants who help child care services in the process of evaluation should be cultivated and implemented, 2) self-study points should be omitted from the total points, 3) according to evaluation results, differential supports should be offered, 4) the count system of each criteria should be changed from 3 steps to 4 or 5 steps, and 5) the training system for validators should be deepened and diversified.

This study compares and analyzes the child care service evaluation systems of KCAC (Korean Childcare Accreditation Council), NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children, U.S.A.) and NCAC (National Childcare Accreditation Council, Australia) in terms of their evaluation goals, evaluation programs, evaluation process, evaluation fee, validators, evaluation criteria and the use of evaluation results. Based on the results of analyzing the evaluation system of KCAC, NAEYC and NCAC, this study suggests the directions for improving child care service evaluation systems in Korea:1) a program for assistants who help child care services in the process of evaluation should be cultivated and implemented, 2) self-study points should be omitted from the total points, 3) according to evaluation results, differential supports should be offered, 4) the count system of each criteria should be changed from 3 steps to 4 or 5 steps, and 5) the training system for validators should be deepened and diversified.