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본 연구에서는 유아교육기관 실외놀이활동 및 실외놀이환경 평가척도를 우리의 사회․문화적 배경 및 지리적 여건에 적합하도록 개발하고, 이를 유아교육기관에 적용하여 현재 우리나라 유아교육기관의 실외놀이활동 및 환경 실태를 알아보고자 하였다. 본 연구에서 개발된 실외놀이 활동 및 환경 평가척도는 ‘실외놀이터의 공간구성 및 시설․설비’영역(20문항), ‘안전’영역(20문항), ‘실외놀이 활동 및 상호작용’영역(10문항)으로 구분되어 있으며, 5점 평정척도로 구성되었다. 본 연구에서 개발된 평가척도를 사용하여 서울․경기지역의 유치원 100곳을 대상으로 실외놀이활동 및 환경 실태를 조사한 결과, ‘안전’영역이 가장 높은 점수를 받았고, 그다음으로 ‘실외놀이 활동 및 상호작용’영역, ‘실외놀이 공간구성 및 시설․설비’영역 순으로 나타났다.

Seeking to provide a basis for developing sound outdoor play activities and environments in early childhood education centers, this study developed an assessment scale for outdoor play and environment based on the results of the studies about the current conditions and content of outdoor play activity in early childhood education centers, teachers' perceptions of outdoor play, actual condition of outdoor play environment, and children's preference for outdoor play equipment. The assessment scale for outdoor play and environment consists of three parts:the first part is space arrangement and equipment, the second part is safety, and the third part is outdoor play activities and interactions. Users of this assessment scale rate each item for existence and/or function on a scale from 1 to 5. In the part of space arrangement and equipment, 20 assessment items are provided. In the part of safety, 20 assessment items are provided. In the part of outdoor play activities and interactions, 10 assessment items are provided. One hundred kindergartens located at Seoul and Gyeonggi Province were examined with the assessment scale. The results showed that kindergartens concerned about safety most when they organized outdoor play activities and outdoor environment.

Seeking to provide a basis for developing sound outdoor play activities and environments in early childhood education centers, this study developed an assessment scale for outdoor play and environment based on the results of the studies about the current conditions and content of outdoor play activity in early childhood education centers, teachers' perceptions of outdoor play, actual condition of outdoor play environment, and children's preference for outdoor play equipment. The assessment scale for outdoor play and environment consists of three parts:the first part is space arrangement and equipment, the second part is safety, and the third part is outdoor play activities and interactions. Users of this assessment scale rate each item for existence and/or function on a scale from 1 to 5. In the part of space arrangement and equipment, 20 assessment items are provided. In the part of safety, 20 assessment items are provided. In the part of outdoor play activities and interactions, 10 assessment items are provided. One hundred kindergartens located at Seoul and Gyeonggi Province were examined with the assessment scale. The results showed that kindergartens concerned about safety most when they organized outdoor play activities and outdoor environment.