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본 연구는 유아용­다중지능발달평가척도(MIDAS-for-KIDS)의 타당화를 위한 목적으로 실시되었다. 문헌연구와 전문가 집단의 도움을 받아 번안에 참여하여 한국판유아용­다중지능 발달 평가척도(KC-MIDAS)를 개발하고 내용타당도, 공인타당도, 신뢰도를 검증하였으며, 번안․타당화된 KC-MIDAS를 통해 다중지능의 분포와 지능들간의 관계를 알아보았다. 결과 양호한 내용타당도를 보였으며, K-WPPSI, PMMA, Oseretsky운동능력검사와의 공인타당도를 구한 결과 양호하였고, 신뢰도 검증결과 또한 Cronbachα계수가 최하 .75였다. 그리고 다중지능들의 분포는 골고루 분포되어 유아들의 다중지능을 측정하는데 적합하다고 본다.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of the Multiple Intelligence Developmental Assessment Scale(MIDAS) for young Korean children, revised from MIDAS-for-KIDS(My young children) by Shearer. The subjects examined in this study consisted of 35 children(5years old) in the Kwangju area. Validity was established using content validity and concurrent validity, and reliability was established by using the Cronbach coefficient(α). The results of the study are as follows:First, in terms of content validity, the KC-MIDAS was valid. This resulted from examinations of earlychildhood education professors. Second, in terms of concurrent validity, a correlation was identified between the KC-MIDAS, PMMA(The Primary Measures of Music Audiation), Oseretsky physical ability test and K-WPPSI(Korean-Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised). ‘Musical intelligence’ domain and PMMA; ‘Logical-mathematical intelligence’ and Performance IQ, Full Scale IQ of K-WPPSI; ‘Linguistic intelligence’ and Verbal IQ of K-WPPSI and PMMA; ‘Intrapersonal intelligence’ and PMMA; and ‘Interpersonal intelligence’ and Verbal IQ of K-WPPSI all had meaningful correlations. Third, the reliability of the KC-MIDAS was high. Cronbach coefficient(α) across eight domains of intelligence on the KC-MIDAS was high. Forth, these eight domains of intelligence were diversely distributed. The KC-MIDAS seems to be a valid instrument, that can assess multiple intelligence of young Korean children.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of the Multiple Intelligence Developmental Assessment Scale(MIDAS) for young Korean children, revised from MIDAS-for-KIDS(My young children) by Shearer. The subjects examined in this study consisted of 35 children(5years old) in the Kwangju area. Validity was established using content validity and concurrent validity, and reliability was established by using the Cronbach coefficient(α). The results of the study are as follows:First, in terms of content validity, the KC-MIDAS was valid. This resulted from examinations of earlychildhood education professors. Second, in terms of concurrent validity, a correlation was identified between the KC-MIDAS, PMMA(The Primary Measures of Music Audiation), Oseretsky physical ability test and K-WPPSI(Korean-Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised). ‘Musical intelligence’ domain and PMMA; ‘Logical-mathematical intelligence’ and Performance IQ, Full Scale IQ of K-WPPSI; ‘Linguistic intelligence’ and Verbal IQ of K-WPPSI and PMMA; ‘Intrapersonal intelligence’ and PMMA; and ‘Interpersonal intelligence’ and Verbal IQ of K-WPPSI all had meaningful correlations. Third, the reliability of the KC-MIDAS was high. Cronbach coefficient(α) across eight domains of intelligence on the KC-MIDAS was high. Forth, these eight domains of intelligence were diversely distributed. The KC-MIDAS seems to be a valid instrument, that can assess multiple intelligence of young Korean children.