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본 연구는 특수유아의 통합교육에서 유아 놀이를 교육적으로 활성화시키고 촉진시킬 있는 방법을 모색하고자 시도되었다. 연구결과, 첫째, 특수유아들은 그들의 능력을 최적의 수준으로 이끌어 줄 수 있는 물리적․사회적 환경을 스스로 찾는데 어려움을 가지고 있으며, 그들이 보이는 사회적-인지적놀이의 수준은 덜 정교하고 미숙하다. 그러나 특수유아들은 놀이참여를 위한 지원이 있을 때에 놀이의 정교성과 복잡성은 높아진다. 둘째, 특수유아에게 놀이 기회의 제공만으로는 적절하지 않으며 놀이의 교육적 가치를 위한 적절한 교사 개입은 중요한 교수전략으로 부각되었다. 본 연구에서 도출된 교수전략은 강제성이 없는 자발적 놀이시도 시작시켜주기, 놀이에 대한 예측력 주기, 일반유아를 놀이상대자로 만들기로 나타났다. 셋째, 놀이는 특수유아의 발달을 이끄는데 긍정적이었으며, 비구조화된 자유놀이는 특수유아에게 의미 있는 도전을 주는 매개체이며, 특수유아와 일반유아가 자연스럽게 서로 양방향으로 어울릴 수 있는 진정한 통합교육의 장을 제공하는데 매우 유용하였다.

The study was educationally to activate and promote the methods of play by the specials in a class with others. In order to complete this study it was to find the social-cognitive play characteristics and the significance and to research the causes of achievements with plays. Firstly the study shows that the number of play by the specials was low, the plays were less elegant, simpler, and less attactive, but various plays based on individual differences form simple plays to games with rules occurred. They happened when the specials joined not compulsorily but voluntarily, the atmosphere was not new but expected, and participation was not complete but partial. Secondly in addition to giving chances of plays, coaching by teachers timely for educational by-products of plays was found to be an important teaching strategy. The teaching tips by teachers with this study are as follows; "To start a play," "To give hints of play," "To make a play partner with a non-special," and "To design and apply appropriate plays to them." Thirdly plays had a positive influence on the development of the specials. Non structured free plays acted as tools to challenge them and useful to provide the opportunity to make friends with non-specials.

The study was educationally to activate and promote the methods of play by the specials in a class with others. In order to complete this study it was to find the social-cognitive play characteristics and the significance and to research the causes of achievements with plays. Firstly the study shows that the number of play by the specials was low, the plays were less elegant, simpler, and less attactive, but various plays based on individual differences form simple plays to games with rules occurred. They happened when the specials joined not compulsorily but voluntarily, the atmosphere was not new but expected, and participation was not complete but partial. Secondly in addition to giving chances of plays, coaching by teachers timely for educational by-products of plays was found to be an important teaching strategy. The teaching tips by teachers with this study are as follows; "To start a play," "To give hints of play," "To make a play partner with a non-special," and "To design and apply appropriate plays to them." Thirdly plays had a positive influence on the development of the specials. Non structured free plays acted as tools to challenge them and useful to provide the opportunity to make friends with non-specials.