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본 연구는 보육시설 평가인증과정에서의 조력활동에 대한 평가체제를 개발하고 그 적합성을 알아보기 위해, 영유아 보육 및 평가인증 조력활동 관련 전문가 27명을 대상으로 3차에 걸쳐 델파이 조사를 실시하였다. 문헌고찰을 바탕으로 1차 조사에서는 조력활동 운영평가와 조력활동 내용평가의 2개 평가범주와 6개 평가영역, 17개 평가항목으로 구성된 시안을 개발하고 패널의 의견을 조사한 결과, 2개 평가범주의 명칭을 수정하고 5개 평가영역, 11개 평가 항목, 103개 문항으로 구성된 2차 평가체제안으로 수정하였다. 2차 조사에서는 수정된 2차 평가체제안의 적합성을 검증받기 위하여, 델파이 패널들의 응답을 점수화하여 반응분포 분석한 결과, 전체적으로 평가문항의 점수는 ‘적합하다’에 해당하는 3점 이상이고 반응의 분포도 부적 편포를 나타냄으로써 비교적 양호한 것으로 나타났으나 일부 평가문항은 평균에 비하여 평균점수가 낮거나 왜도가 정적편포인 경우가 있어 수정하였다. 이러한 분석결과에 따라 3차 조사에서는 2개 평가범주, 5개 평가영역, 11개 평가항목, 80개 평가문항으로 구성된 3차 평가체제안으로 수정하고 적합성을 알아본 결과, 모든 평가문항이 평균 3점 이상으로 나타났으며 반응의 분포가 부적 편포를 나타냄으로써 대부분의 평가문항들이 ‘적합하다’나 ’매우 적합하다‘로 평정되었다. 신뢰도와 타당도도 높게 나타났으나 일부 문항은 상대적으로 타당도가 낮은 것으로 나타났으며, 대부분의 문항이 패널 집단간 평가문항의 적합성에 대한 합의정도가 높았으나 일부 문항에 대해서는 패널 집단간 반응에 유의한 차이가 나타났다.

The purpose of this study was to develop an evaluation system on assistant program for child care center accreditation, and to test its validity and reliability, using Delphi method. The research contents for the purpose of this study were to draw up a draft to the evaluation system and to examine the adequacy of the evaluation system. Accordingly, this study was conducted by three steps of Delphi method with a panel of 27 experts. On the first step, we collected opinions of the panel through open-ended questions for evaluation system based on literature about child care center accreditation and assistance programs. On the second and third step, we analyzed the distribution of the panel's responses to a questionnaire with a 4-point rating scales. The data was analyzed for validity and reliability of evaluation questions, and convergence of panel groups about final evaluation system. The results of this study were as follows: First, the evaluation system on assistance program for child care center accreditation, including two categories, 5 evaluation sectors, 11 evaluation items, and 80 evaluation questions, was developed. Second, the results of the analysis for the adequacy showed that most of the evaluation questions were valid and reliable, and the responses of the panel groups for evaluation questions showed a high convergence level.

The purpose of this study was to develop an evaluation system on assistant program for child care center accreditation, and to test its validity and reliability, using Delphi method. The research contents for the purpose of this study were to draw up a draft to the evaluation system and to examine the adequacy of the evaluation system. Accordingly, this study was conducted by three steps of Delphi method with a panel of 27 experts. On the first step, we collected opinions of the panel through open-ended questions for evaluation system based on literature about child care center accreditation and assistance programs. On the second and third step, we analyzed the distribution of the panel's responses to a questionnaire with a 4-point rating scales. The data was analyzed for validity and reliability of evaluation questions, and convergence of panel groups about final evaluation system. The results of this study were as follows: First, the evaluation system on assistance program for child care center accreditation, including two categories, 5 evaluation sectors, 11 evaluation items, and 80 evaluation questions, was developed. Second, the results of the analysis for the adequacy showed that most of the evaluation questions were valid and reliable, and the responses of the panel groups for evaluation questions showed a high convergence level.