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본 연구는 장애유아 통합교육을 실천하는 유치원의 만 4세 특수교사와 일반교사가 경험하는 관계적 경험을 있는 그대로 밝혀 그 의미를 탐색하려는 목적으로 이루어진 질적 연구이다. 연구결과 특수교사와 일반교사는 협력교수 실천의 관점에서 관계적 경험을 하였다. 특수교사의 경우 역할의 정체성 혼돈과 불편한 인간관계를 경험하였으며, 일반교사는 거리감과 공동책임감을 경험하는 것으로 나타났으며 특수교사와 일반교사의 경험은 역할 인식 및 역할 수행에 관한 관계적 경험이었다. 아울러 특수교사와 일반교사가 형성한 관계적 경험의 양상은 역할 혼미로 인한 갈등과 소통을 통한 차별적 공동책임의 의미를 내포하는 것으로 나타났다.

The study is a qualitative research for the purpose of inquiring the phase and meaning of the relational experience that is achieved through interchange and interaction among special education teachers, and general education teachers in the inclusive classroom of kindergartens. The participant observation and in-depth interview were conducted to kindergarteners under the age of 4, who are both in general classrooms and inclusive classrooms of HaengBok Kindergarten placed in Gyeonggi-do, from March to September in 2008. The collected data were analyzed by the process of cyclical course through open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. Special education teachers and general education teachers in the inclusive classroom had a relational experience related to co-teaching execution. While the former has experienced the confusion of identity and inconvenient human relations, the latter has experienced the distance and common responsibility. Accordingly, the phase was a relational experience that appears, in relation to the role perception and role performance, under the cooperative situation between both teachers. Thus, according to the consequence of the research, it could be concluded as follow;The role perception and performance of special education teachers and general education teachers in the inclusive classroom maintain the characteristics of "differential common liliability." Lastly, the time for communication and consultation should be guaranteed to collaborate in a peaceful manner.