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본 연구의 목적은 교사의 그림책 읽기 상호작용 유형이 중국 출신 다문화 가정 유아의 가상적 내러티브에 미치는 영향력을 살펴보는 것이다. 본 연구의 대상은 서울시와 안산시 8개구에 위치한 19곳의 어린이집에 다니는 90명의 유아들이다. 연구대상 유아들을 교수적 상호작용, 확산적 상호작용, 통제집단으로 각 30명씩 구분하였다. 집단구성을 위해 수용언어 및 표현언어검사(PRES; 김영태, 성태제, 이윤경, 2003)를 실시하였고, 사전검사에서 가상적 내러티브의 이야기 구조발달 수준, 문장수, 논리적 응집장치, 어휘다양도의 평균과 표준편차를 산출하였다. 다음으로 중재교사 2명이 각 집단마다 주 2회 2권씩 총 16권의 그림책을 8주 동안 읽어주는 실험처치를 하였다. 사후검사에서는 사전검사을 통제한 공분산분석(ANCOVA)을 실시하였으며, 집단 간 차이를 알아보기 위해 Scheffé 검증을 실시하였다. 그 결과 중국출신의 다문화가정 유아들의 가상적 내러티브의 이야기 구조발달수준과 문장수, 논리적응집장치(접속사)는 확산적 상호작용이 가장 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났다. 논리적 응집장치(대용적 참조)와 어휘다양도 에서는 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 본 연구는 그림책 읽기 상호작용 유형이 가상적 내러티브에 미치는 영향력에 대한 구체적인 검증을 통해, 현장의 다문화 가정 유아를 담당하는 교사의 교수법 계발을 위한 기초 자료를 제공할 수 있을 것이다.
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of teachers’ picture book reading interaction style on fictional narratives of young children from Chinese-Korean multi-cultural families. Participants were ninety young children from nineteen kindergartens in eight districts of Seoul and Ansan who were divided into three groups. Each group had thirty children: divergent interaction group, instructional interaction group, and control group. Before dividing the children into groups, children’s receptive and expressive language test was conducted (PRES: Kim, Sung, & Lee 2003). In the pretest, mean values and standard deviations of children’s fictional narratives of story structure, number of clauses, logically cohesive devices, type-token ratio are calculated. Next, two intervention teachers visited each group twice a week and read two books per week (sixteen books total) for eight weeks to the children. In post-test, this study gave ANCOVA by limited pretest, Sheffé verification is carried out to examine the difference between three groups. The results clearly show that divergent interaction style is the most effective in enhancing Chinese-Korean multi-cultural children’s fictional narratives of story structure and number of clauses, logically cohesive devices (conjunction) followed by the instructional interaction style. However, the divergent interaction group was not significantly better than the other groups in logically cohesive devices (pronoun) and lexical diversity. This study can offer basic data for developmental teaching methods of teachers who educate young children from multi-culture families in the field by specific verification that the teachers’ picture book reading interaction style affects fictional narratives.
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of teachers’ picture book reading interaction style on fictional narratives of young children from Chinese-Korean multi-cultural families. Participants were ninety young children from nineteen kindergartens in eight districts of Seoul and Ansan who were divided into three groups. Each group had thirty children: divergent interaction group, instructional interaction group, and control group. Before dividing the children into groups, children’s receptive and expressive language test was conducted (PRES: Kim, Sung, & Lee 2003). In the pretest, mean values and standard deviations of children’s fictional narratives of story structure, number of clauses, logically cohesive devices, type-token ratio are calculated. Next, two intervention teachers visited each group twice a week and read two books per week (sixteen books total) for eight weeks to the children. In post-test, this study gave ANCOVA by limited pretest, Sheffé verification is carried out to examine the difference between three groups. The results clearly show that divergent interaction style is the most effective in enhancing Chinese-Korean multi-cultural children’s fictional narratives of story structure and number of clauses, logically cohesive devices (conjunction) followed by the instructional interaction style. However, the divergent interaction group was not significantly better than the other groups in logically cohesive devices (pronoun) and lexical diversity. This study can offer basic data for developmental teaching methods of teachers who educate young children from multi-culture families in the field by specific verification that the teachers’ picture book reading interaction style affects fictional narratives.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
picture book, reading interaction style, multiculture, fictional narrativ structure, number of clauses, logically cohesive devices, type-token ratio, the period of education