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본 연구의 목적은 조망중심 유아지리교육 프로그램을 개발하고 이를 만5세 유아에게 적용하여 그 효과를 알아보는 것이다. 이러한 연구목적을 위해 프로그램 구성을 위한 연구를 수행하여 조망중심 유아지리교육 프로그램을 개발하였다. 이 프로그램의 목적은 주변 환경에 대한 지리적 관심을 통해 지리적 공간을 이해하고 표현하는 능력과 그 공간에 존재하는 여러 생명체들과의 유기적 관련성을 인식하여 다양한 생명체를 존중하고 이해하는 태도를 기르는 것이다. 개발된 프로그램의 적용효과를 알아보기 위해 서울시 G구에 위치한 H유치원 만5세 유아42명(실험집단 21명, 비교집단 21명)을 대상으로 연구를 수행하였다. 연구결과, 조망중심 유아지리교육 프로그램은 유아의 지리적 공간조망능력(지리적 표상능력, 지도표현능력)과 지리적 사회조망능력 향상에 긍정적 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다.

The purpose of this study was to develop an early childhood geography education program based on perspective taking, and to verify the efficacy of this program by applying it to five-year-old children. The research tried to answer the following questions:1) How should the educational purpose, goal, teaching and learning methods, and evaluation in an early childhood geography education program be developed based on perspective taking?2) How effective is this the program?To measure the effectiveness of the program, a 15-week research study was performed (from September 2009 to December 2009). The research was held at kindergarten ‘H’ in ‘G’-gu in Seoul, South Korea. Two groups of 5-year olds, 21 children (42 children in total) were chosen as an experimental group and a comparative group, respectively. To examine how an early childhood geography education program based on perspective taking affected children's geographic spatial perspective taking abilities and geographic social perspective taking abilities, pre-tests and post-tests were carried out. The data was the statistically analyzed by MANCOVA and One-way ANCOVA using SPSS 15.0 WIN program. The results of the research study were as follows: First, the post-test results showed that there was a significant statistical difference between the experimental group and the comparative group in terms of their geographic representation abilities. Secondly, the post-test result showed that there was a significant statistical difference between the experimental group and the comparative group in terms of their map-drawing abilities. Third, the post-test result showed that there was a significant statistical difference between the experimental group and the comparative group in terms of their geographic social perspective taking abilities.