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Beloved is the story of a former slave woman Sethe, and her deceased daughter, Beloved, who is haunted by the child that she murdered eighteen years ago. In Beloved, the slave mother, Sethe killed her baby because she did not want her daughter to live as a slave, like her. Because of this, she lost her self and was alienated by others in the family and the community. As her dead daughter continues to haunt her 18 years later, Sethe confronts her past, and agonizes over what she has done. Eventually, she finds herself freed from her own remorse, guilt, and self-doubt. This study is focused on the process, which Sethe goes through, in searching for an identity which she failed to embrace because of the trauma she had experienced during her enslavement. To verify this, we should begin by establishing a working definition of trauma, using the works of Sigmund Freud and other relevant psychiatrists. This will be extended in to a discussion of trauma and the potential for healing. Finally, the conclusion will show that the trauma which Sethe experiences is ultimately overcome, in the novel Beloved.