초록 열기/닫기 버튼

日本語学習者の誤用分析に関する研究は従来盛んに行われてきたが、誤用の結果をさらに学習者の自己訂 正可否に基づいて調査した研究は少ない。採取した誤用が単なる安易な誤りによるものなのか、それとも自 己訂正できない誤用なのかを分析・考察することは作文指導において重要となってくる。本研究は初中級韓国 人日本語学習者の作文に見られる誤用を項目別に分析し、まず誤用の傾向を具体的な数字で示すことで、誤 用の傾向を考察した。次に学習者が行った誤用訂正の正誤に基づいて、学習者が自己訂正しにくい項目を抽 出し、考察した。また、誤用だけではなく、ある文法事項を用いないために日本語としての適切さを欠く非用 についても考察した。今回の調査結果から作文指導を行う際に留意すべき事項は、①格助詞の二格、ヲ格、デ 格の使い分けと「の」の使い方、②語彙表現の習得、③並列節と条件節での接続助詞の使い分け、④可能、受 身、使役、授受表現を積極的に文に取り入れることの4点である。このような表現に特化して教えることが作 文指導において重要となってくる。

This paper examined the characteristics of the examples of misuse in Japanese composition by Korean learners of Japanese at a beginning-intermediate level. The purpose of this study is to figure out the cautions when the learners compose in Japanese, by suggesting the concrete number of misuse trend. The examination was conducted for 50 learners who composed in Japanese for one subject among "The Japan I like", "My day", "The memories of journey" and "The cyber university", and then the examples of misuse in those compositions were arranged by grammar category. Then the misuse correctable and non-correctable by learners themselves were examined. As a result, first, the misuse rate of "postposition" was the highest, followed by "language selection" and "adverbial clause" in order. Furthermore, the misuse non-correctable by learners in descending order was "expression of give and receive", "paratactic clause" and "language selection", respectively. As a result of this examination, the points which learners have to be careful are following 4 kinds. Firstly, the use of a case postposition such as「に」「を」「で」and「の」among postpositions. Secondly, have a vocabulary knowledge. Thirdly, when connecting the sentences, utilize properly the continuous using form or 「たり」and so on, not arranging「て」of conjunctive particles. Moreover, when connecting with 「が」, correspond with writing style each other. Lastly, have a knowledge about voice, of which expression is not existing in Korean. In the position of teachers, conducting of writing instruction by specializing such expressions is of critical importance.