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우리나라에서도 특징적 동기가 없거나 확인이 어려운 무동기 범죄가 증가추세에 있다. 이는 계층의 경제적 양극화, 신속주의, 쾌락주의, 폭력적 문화의 팽배 등 이른바 사회정신병리적 현상에 기인한 것으로 판단된다. 무동기 범죄의 해결을 위해서 기존의 일반적 수사기법의 적용으로는 많은 한계가 있다. 경찰은 무동기 흉악범죄사건을 조기에 해결하기 위해서는 과학적인 수사기법의 개발과 수사경찰의 전문화 등 다양한 노력이 필요한 시점이다. 무동기 흉악범죄에 대한 효과적인 경찰대응을 위한 방안을 제시하면, 1) 유전자정보의 활용, 2) 프로파일링 기법의 과학화와 D/B화, 3) 과학적 감식체제의 강화, 4) 최신 첨단 과학수사기법의 개발과 도입과 더불어 검경간 및 형사사법기관간의 보유자료의 공유와 상호협조체제의 구축 등도 무동기 흉악범죄를 조기에 검거하고 차단하는 경찰대응의 효과적인 방안이라고 판단한다.

In these days, the number of crimes is increasing in which specific motive can not be found or identified. Economic class polarization, quickness, hedonism and violence-oriented culture may cause this tendency, in many cases this kind of crimes take the shape of serials. Conventional investigation techniques are not enough to solve the motiveless crimes. So this master''s thesis make some conclusion below. Firstly, a gene information bank establishment must be advanced the maximum quickly. it is expected that many cold cases where have been left unsolved for a long time although the DNAs of criminal suspects were obtained from the crime scenes through the efforts as described, will be solved. The second, profiling technique can be a efficient countermeasure to motiveless crimes. a given circumstance should be prepared to develop profiling that is a psychological method at primary level. The third, to collect correct information for identification of a person accidentally killed, a joint on-the-spot attendance system by spot identification personnel and legal medicine specialist shall be institutionalized. The fourth, wide area unit investigation must be used and set. Above all, because what the crime of the present time when it sees is becoming wide area and criminals are not limited in the ointment line of the narrow confine, investigation setup in the area police station center of existing must be raised.

In these days, the number of crimes is increasing in which specific motive can not be found or identified. Economic class polarization, quickness, hedonism and violence-oriented culture may cause this tendency, in many cases this kind of crimes take the shape of serials. Conventional investigation techniques are not enough to solve the motiveless crimes. So this master''s thesis make some conclusion below. Firstly, a gene information bank establishment must be advanced the maximum quickly. it is expected that many cold cases where have been left unsolved for a long time although the DNAs of criminal suspects were obtained from the crime scenes through the efforts as described, will be solved. The second, profiling technique can be a efficient countermeasure to motiveless crimes. a given circumstance should be prepared to develop profiling that is a psychological method at primary level. The third, to collect correct information for identification of a person accidentally killed, a joint on-the-spot attendance system by spot identification personnel and legal medicine specialist shall be institutionalized. The fourth, wide area unit investigation must be used and set. Above all, because what the crime of the present time when it sees is becoming wide area and criminals are not limited in the ointment line of the narrow confine, investigation setup in the area police station center of existing must be raised.