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오늘날 범죄문제는 국민들의 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 중요한 요소로서 사후적 대응보다 사전 예방이 중요하다. 최근의 범죄예방 경향은 실증주의적 ‘교정과 처우’의 방식에서 벗어나 다시 고전주의 사상을 근간으로 하는 상황적 범죄예방, 환경설계를 통한 범죄예방 등 실용주의적 범죄예방 기법들이 부상하고 있다. 그리고 근대이후 지금까지 범죄예방의 주요 유형에 있어 고전주의 사상은 빼놓을 수 없을 만큼 중요한 부분을 차지하고 있다. 가령 Hughes가 3가지로 분류한 범죄예방의 유형 중에 법집행 전략이나 상황적 범죄예방은 고전주의 사상을 기초로 하고 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 고전주의 범죄학의 대표적 인물인 벡카리아의 1764년 ‘범죄와 형벌’에 나타난 범죄예방 사상을 탐색해봄으로써 오늘날 형사사법정책의 시사점을 모색해보고자 하였다. 먼저 벡카리아가 범죄예방을 위해 강조하는 것들을 보면 잔혹한 형벌의 금지, 법률의 명확성, 형벌의 고통이 범죄로 인한 이익보다 더 중하도록 하는 입법, 범죄에 대한 적정한 형벌, 형벌의 확실성과 신속성, 형벌적용의 형평성 그리고 범죄예방을 위한 교육과 계몽 등이다. 이러한 벡카리아 사상이 오늘날 범죄예방정책에 시사하는 바는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 범죄예방을 위해서는 국가공권력의 정당성에 대한 사회구성원들의 합의와 성숙한 인식이 전제가 되어야 한다. 둘째, 범죄행위에 대해서는 반드시 처벌이 뒤따른다는 명확한 입법이 요구된다. 셋째, 범죄행위에 대해 공정․신속하고 확실한 법집행을 위해 형사사법기관들 상호간의 협력이 필요하다. 넷째, 범죄예방을 위해 시민들이 법률이 무시하지 않도록 교육하고 또한 형사사법기관 종사자들도 시민들로부터 신뢰를 얻을 수 있도록 지속적인 교육이 필요하다.

Beccaria published 'crime and punishment' to reform West Europe's criminal justice operation first half packing in inconsistency at the time of 18th century. With distant ages monarch through abrogation of is cruel and barbarian punishment and equality in law face by religious madness and prejudice in social contract and utilitarianism viewpoint nobilities locust privileged reform, insisted crime prevention through principle of legality and logical punishment. His thought was groundwork ago criminal law of the modern age countries including Franch Declaration of the Rights of Man and 1791 France criminal act code in 1789. When Beccaria's idea sees in crime prevention side today, point that suggest us can summarize as following. First, citizen realization on justice of state public power is important. Beccaria sees as thing which state public power originates by society's member's contract. When citizens recognize the justice about created state public power to keep well society's member's peaceful state of everybody, citizens may prevent the reappearance of the event such as recent Yongsan tragedy. Second, must establish law so that a specification punishment for specification criminal act is prescribed definitely, and citizens need to can recognize this. If there is no fear of a punishment for specification criminal act, because will commit easily crime. Third, is quick about the conduct if there is criminal act and criminal justice systems should be operated so a punishment is attained certainly. In particular, policing should be achieved so quick arrest is achieved first of all in case of the great strength event such as serial murder at police step. Finally, culture that respect law so that law is not destroyed by little peoples or criminal justice systems need to be formed. Strengthen knowledge and law observance education about law to citizens for this and criminal justice systems employees need effort and effort that escape authoritarian custom midnight so that do not abuse law.

Beccaria published 'crime and punishment' to reform West Europe's criminal justice operation first half packing in inconsistency at the time of 18th century. With distant ages monarch through abrogation of is cruel and barbarian punishment and equality in law face by religious madness and prejudice in social contract and utilitarianism viewpoint nobilities locust privileged reform, insisted crime prevention through principle of legality and logical punishment. His thought was groundwork ago criminal law of the modern age countries including Franch Declaration of the Rights of Man and 1791 France criminal act code in 1789. When Beccaria's idea sees in crime prevention side today, point that suggest us can summarize as following. First, citizen realization on justice of state public power is important. Beccaria sees as thing which state public power originates by society's member's contract. When citizens recognize the justice about created state public power to keep well society's member's peaceful state of everybody, citizens may prevent the reappearance of the event such as recent Yongsan tragedy. Second, must establish law so that a specification punishment for specification criminal act is prescribed definitely, and citizens need to can recognize this. If there is no fear of a punishment for specification criminal act, because will commit easily crime. Third, is quick about the conduct if there is criminal act and criminal justice systems should be operated so a punishment is attained certainly. In particular, policing should be achieved so quick arrest is achieved first of all in case of the great strength event such as serial murder at police step. Finally, culture that respect law so that law is not destroyed by little peoples or criminal justice systems need to be formed. Strengthen knowledge and law observance education about law to citizens for this and criminal justice systems employees need effort and effort that escape authoritarian custom midnight so that do not abuse law.