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지난 4월 발생한 보스톤 테러와 같이 범인이 테러단체와 관계없이 독자적으로 테러를 자행하는 외로운 늑대 테러(lone wolf terrorism)가 증가하고 있다. 그러나 우리나라에서는 북한이나 테러단체에 의한 테러에는 대비를 잘 해나가고 있으나 외로운 늑대 테러에 대해서는 아직 그 대비가 미흡한 형편이어서 대책보완이 요구되고 있다. 이에 따라 우선, Precht의 자생테러 동기모형을 토대로 한국의 테러 환경을 적용하여 분석해 본 결과, 우리나라에서도 외로운 늑대 테러가 발생할 가능성이 적지 않은 것으로 평가되었다. 이러한 가능성에 대비하여 외로운 늑대 테러 대응에 가장 중심적인 역할이 요구되는 경찰의 대응전략으로 ① 다문화 가정 등 대상 지역사회 경찰활동 집중 실시 ② 소외계층 지원 민·관·경 협의체 운영을 제도화 하고 ③ 인터넷이 극단주의 이념의 전파 및 테러수단의 확보 채널로 이용되는 것을 방지하기 위한 인터넷 감시 경찰조직을 확대하며 ④ 다중이 이용하는 테러취약시설 및 총포․화학물질에 대한 관리 철저 및 ⑤ 테러를 미연에 방지하기 위한 예방정보활동을 강화해야 한다는 의견을 제시하였다.

Lone wolf terrorisms, such as the Boston Terrorism, have been increased in the world, which the terrorisms are perpetrated by freelancer without any relationship with terrorist organizations. Korea government has prepared well against terrorisms supported by North Korea or a terrorist groups. However, our society needs counterplans to lone wolf terrorism because preparedness for it is still insufficient. Therefore, The writer analyzed domestic environments of terrorism on the base of Precht`s Motivation Model for homegrown terrorism and then, estimated the possibility of lone wolf terrorism is high in Korea. I suggest counterplans of police against the possibilities of the terrorism such as ① intensive operation of community policing to members of multi-culture society and North Korean defectors ② institutionalization of council participating NGO, government agencies and police to support alienation strata ③ enlargement of internet monitering organization in police ④ thorough control to vulnerable facilities for citizens, firearms and chemical substances ⑤ strengthening of intelligence activities to prevent lone wolf terrorism

Lone wolf terrorisms, such as the Boston Terrorism, have been increased in the world, which the terrorisms are perpetrated by freelancer without any relationship with terrorist organizations. Korea government has prepared well against terrorisms supported by North Korea or a terrorist groups. However, our society needs counterplans to lone wolf terrorism because preparedness for it is still insufficient. Therefore, The writer analyzed domestic environments of terrorism on the base of Precht`s Motivation Model for homegrown terrorism and then, estimated the possibility of lone wolf terrorism is high in Korea. I suggest counterplans of police against the possibilities of the terrorism such as ① intensive operation of community policing to members of multi-culture society and North Korean defectors ② institutionalization of council participating NGO, government agencies and police to support alienation strata ③ enlargement of internet monitering organization in police ④ thorough control to vulnerable facilities for citizens, firearms and chemical substances ⑤ strengthening of intelligence activities to prevent lone wolf terrorism